Jan 1, 1492
Christpher Colombus
Colombus was looking for silk and spices,he found the bahamas it is important and it caused more explores -
Jan 1, 1519
He conquered mexico and there was gold which made more explores come -
Jan 1, 1519
he was the first to map the coast and it was important because more people came to texas -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca 1st
De Soto -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca Texas
a hurrican hit,they were there for 7 years -
Jan 1, 1537
Fray Marcos
to change indains into christians, esteban died, he saw the 7 cities of gold -
Feb 1, 1540
cibolia, to make no one on go to texas -
Jan 1, 1543
De Soto , gold, De soto died From A Fever, bad (mean indians)