early explorations of America

  • Sep 3, 1497

    John Cabot

    King Henry VII of England sponsored an expididtion to the new world. It was headed by John Cabot. He reported and abundance of fish and exploed a part of the new land.
  • Sep 3, 1535

    Jacques Cariter explored NE part of North America

  • Sep 3, 1539

    Hernando De Soto

    Started in florida, they were searching for gold, suitable colony, and an overland route to mexico. They had 600 men, 200 horses, 300 pigs and a pack of attack dogs. They attacked indian villages. While on the exploration they "discovered" the mississippi river. De Soto died on the banks from a fever. Only 300 men survived.
  • Sep 3, 1540

    Francisco Corondo

    Francisco trekked through southweat for two years with over 300 soldiers and 1000 indians for God,Glory, and Gold. They converted some Pueblo Indians to christanity. They discovered the grand canyon, and also destroyed many indian villages, drivning many to suicide.
  • Sep 3, 1581

    Phelipe De Escalante & Hernando Barrado

    Expedition from mexico to new mexico to encourage spanish settlement. 9 men lead by Francisco Chamuscado. They warn the king, in fact, that the promise and wealth of this region could be lost if the area is not settled quickly.
  • Raleigh and Gibert

    Sir Humphry Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh were given permission to colonize the new world but didnt sucessfuly do so until the early 17th centery.
  • James Town

    105 Colonist had landed on James Town virgina. By 1606 their numners had grown to 500 settlers.
  • Samuel De Champlain founder of Quebec

  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Created an all water route to Asia and occupy unclaimed lands. Recevied three years monoply from the government to occupy land. In delaware, connecticut and hudson rivers is where it happened.
  • Peter Stuyvesant

    Peter Stuyvesant
    Peter stuyvesant did not tolerate full religious freedom in the colony. It happened in New Netheland in 1647.
  • Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explore Mississipi River

  • They realized the were ricking capture by Spaniards and turn back to Lake Michigan