Sep 15, 1254
Marco Polo (British explorer)
Marco Polo was born in Venice, raised by relatives because his mother died while giving birth and his father was away with his uncle. In 1271, after his father and uncle had returned, her traveled with them. In 1275 Marco Polo is appointed as an envoy for the Kublai Khan. 1295 Marco Polo arrived back in Venice with the finest collection of jewels ever seen. Marco dies in 1324. Marco Polo -
Jan 1, 1450
John Cabot (British Explorer)
John was married and had three children when on March 5th of 1496 he was asked by the English King Henry VII to travel to 'seek islands and countries of the heathen towards the west, east, and north. He died 3 years later.
John Cabot -
Jan 1, 1491
Jacques Cartier (French Explorer)
Jacques Cartier was born in 1491. Cartier lead three expeditions to Canada in his life. Cartier named Canada "Kanata" meaning village or settlement in the Huron-Iroquois language.
Jacques Cartier -
Jan 1, 1543
Francis Drake (British exporer)
Drake sails with Captain Lovell to the Caribbean on a slave trading enterprise in the years 1566 and 1567. October 2, 1567 he embarked on a voyage with John Hawkins to New World. 1577 through 1580, he was the first to travel around the world.
Francis Drake -
Jan 1, 1552
Walter Raleigh (British explorer)
Walter Raleigh</a>In 1578 Walter Raleigh sailed with his half brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, to America. In his life he was given the patent to explore America. When Queen Elizabeth the 1st died, King James was eager to make peace with teh Spanish. Walter was captured, but he was released and given a chance to find a city. When his mission failed, he was beheaded.
<a href='http://www.history-timelines.org.uk/people-timelines/12-sir-walter-raleigh-timeline.htm' > -
Jan 1, 1567
Samuel de Champlain (French explorer)
Samuel de ChamplainSamuel was born in 1567 ion France. Samuel traveled to Canada and is known as the founder of Quebec City. Known as 'The Father of Canada' -
Jan 1, 1570
Henry Hudson (Dutch explorer)
Henry Hudson is know for exploring in both Canada and America, though his quest was to find a short cut frmo Europe to the Far East. On one of his voyages, in June 1611, they decided to put Hudson, his son, and the seven others into a small boat, and they were never heard from again.
Henry Hudson -
James Cook (British explorer)
In 1768 Cook was chosen to lead an expedition to the South Seas to observe the Transit of Venus and to secretly search for the unknown Great Southern Continent.
James Cook -
George Vancouver (French Explorer)
Known for exploring Australia, New Zeland, and the Hawian Islands. He traveled for 3 years. Vancouver also sailed on Capt. James Cook's 2nd and 3rd voyages. George Vancouver -
Leif Ericson (Norse explorer)
He was born in Ireland, and was a leader of the viking expidetitions. He was possibly the first person to discover America.He ended up in a place he called Vinland. This was probably the part of Canada now called Newfoundland. He helped turn people to Christianity,
Leif Ericson