Current Status
Room Secured; program pilot w/6th grade 2015/16 - very well received by students; preliminary evaluation of the program and required supports w/AUSD STEAM Coordinator; at present no teacher w/appropriate credential is interested in teaching the class; reorganization of the master schedule required to open a period for a teacher to instruct Design Theory class. -
Investigate Design Theory Programs
VITA & Neueva -
Recruit Teacher(s) to Implement Program
Teacher(s) that can collaboratively provide the instruction and the Makerspace environment -
Master Schedule Planning w/Superintendent
Shifting to Semesters?
Revising Elective Offerings -
PD for Teacher(s) Registration
Site visit; Neueva Institute registration -
Auburn Indian Community Giving Grant
DUE March 5 -
Collaborative Planning Meeting with Teacher(s)
Meet to discuss questions/concerns/ideas -
Identify Required Resources
Learning Environment i.e. flexible, tech, Makerspace lab -
Staffing Update
Master Schedule Staffing Alignment -
Budget Planning
Work with CBO to determine budget for implementation -
Collaborative Planning Meeting with Teacher(s)
Ongoing discussion & next steps -
Meet with Community Partners
Flexible dates based upon availability; PTC, Jim Cranney, Lions & Rotary, TBD -
Grants, Community funding streams for implementation
Ongoing requirement and timing is flexible depending on grant availability -
Collaborative Planning Meeting with Teacher(s)
Continuing the discussion -
Nueva Design Thinking Institute PD
June 20 - 23 -
Collaboration with Teacher(s)
Verify resources, curriculum, learning environment needs; ordering of supplies -
First Day of School!