Davis's awesome history timeline

  • Jan 1, 1478

    (Renaissance/Reformation) The Spanish Inquisition begins

    The Spanish inquisition was where the Catholics would torture people to get answers. Since they couldn't kill people they would torture people heavily to get them to admit it was them.
  • Oct 1, 1492

    (Global Exploration) Christopher columbis discovers the new world

    (Global Exploration) Christopher columbis discovers the new world
    Columbus was sailing for the queen and was trying to find new land. When he first landed in America he saw Native Americans so he thought he was in India.
  • Jun 1, 1494

    (Global exploration) The Treaty of Tordesillas was made

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was a treaty between Spain and Portugal. It was important because it divided the new world evenly.
  • Nov 1, 1497

    (Global Exploration) DaGama lands on african shore

    Vasco DaGama landed on the Shore of Africa. This was important because it opened up a way for global imperialism and enabled the Portuguese to established a long lasting colonial empire.
  • Sep 1, 1501

    (Reformation/Renaissance) Michelangelo Starts his creation of the statue

    (Reformation/Renaissance) Michelangelo Starts his creation of the statue
    This is where Michelangelo started his famous statue David. This was important because it was a big influence on Renaissance art.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    (Reformation/Renaissance) Davinci painted the mona lisa

    (Reformation/Renaissance) Davinci painted the mona lisa
    This is where DaVinci Painted the Mona Lisa. This was important because it was a huge influence on art throughout all of History.
  • Sep 1, 1512

    (Global exploration) Ferdinad Magellian sets out to sail the world

    (Global exploration) Ferdinad Magellian sets out to sail the world
    This is where Ferdinand Magellan sets out to sail the world. This is important because it showed people how they could get spices for a cheaper price.
  • Apr 1, 1513

    (Global exploration) Balboa finds the pacific ocean

    This is where Balboa set sail and fins the Pacific ocean. This is important because without this we wouldn't know where the pacific ocean was.
  • Oct 31, 1519

    (Renaissance/Reformation) Martin Luther nails the 95 theses to the church door

    (Renaissance/Reformation) Martin Luther nails the 95 theses to the church door
    When Martin Luther Nailed his thesis to the church door everything changed. He wrote down 95 reason on why the church was corrupt and the main reason being you could go to heaven without paying anything.m
  • Aug 1, 1521

    (Global exploration) The Aztec empire falls

    This is where the Aztec Empire fell. They fall because they weren't immune to European diseases so when they reached the Aztecs a lot of the community died leading to the empire falling.
  • May 1, 1524

    (Global exploration) Fransico Pizzaro dominates the Incas

    This is where Fransisco Pizzaro dominated the Incas by overthrowing the Incan leader. This was important because it was one of the biggest conquests of all time.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    (Global exploration) Incan Empire falls

    The Incan Empire collapsed kind of like how the Aztecs did. They got the diseases from Spaniards who arrived in central America and transmitted their diseases through locals. This was important because it showed how diseases can greatly affect Empires.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    (Global exploration) Jaques cartier finds Northeast Canada and gives it to France

    (Global exploration) Jaques cartier finds Northeast Canada and gives it to France
    When Jaques Cartier found northeast Canada and Gave it to France it was very important. The reason it was important is because Cartier was one of the famous private Navigators, which meant countries would hire him to navigate and find land for them, so when France hired him and he found Canada it became more popular for countries to hire private navigators, pirates, etc.
  • Jul 1, 1534

    (Age of Absolutism) King Henry VIII declares himself as leader of Anglican

    (Age of Absolutism) King Henry VIII declares himself as leader of Anglican
    When King Henry VII declared himself as the king of anglican a lot of things changed. This was very important because he changed England official religion to Anglicanism.
  • Feb 1, 1536

    (Renaissance/Reformation) Desiderius Erasmus dies

    When Desiderius Erasmus died it was a very bad time. Desiderius Erasmus was very important because he translated ancient works into Greek and Latin, so when he died thing weren't being translated.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    (Renaissance/Rebirth) The city of Geneva asks John Calvin to become the religious dictator of protestant Geneva

    (Renaissance/Rebirth) The city of Geneva asks John Calvin to become the religious dictator of protestant Geneva
    John Calvin was asked to become the religious dictator of Geneva. This was important because he transformed Geneva into a intellectual capital in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    (Age of Absolutism) Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augusburg was a temporary settlement of religious conflict in the Holy Roman Empire. This was important because each Prince could decided his own country religion.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1556 to

    (Age of Absolutism) King Philips reign

    King Philip II was one of the main examples on why Absolutism is bad. He was important because he was a king that believed in a strong military and he did everything for himself.
  • Feb 1, 1557

    (Age of Absolutism) Spain declares Bankrupt for the first time

    When Spain declared bankrupt it was very bad. It was important because it showed the result that a bad ruler couple have when that country used Absolutism as its system of government.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1558 to

    (Age of Absolutism) Queen Elizabeth I reign

    Queen Elizabeth was a very important ruler. She was important because she defeted the Spanish Armada, and she mad England a world power.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    (Renaissance/Reformation) The New Caraval ship was invented

    (Renaissance/Reformation) The New Caraval ship was invented
    The Caravel Ship was a smaller ship that allowed people to sail faster. The Caravel ship was important because it completely changed Sailing for the future.
  • Period: Aug 24, 1572 to Oct 24, 1572

    (Age of Absolutism) Bartholomew's day massacre

    Bartholomews day massacre was a very important time in history. This was where all the catholics in Paris were killing protestants. When they saw the protests being killed they thought I guess I have to kill a protestant today.
  • (Global exploration) Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada

    (Global exploration) Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada
    When Francis drake defeated the Spanish Armada it was big deal. It was very important because it saved England from being invaded and captured.
  • (Renaissance/Reformation) Edict of Nantes

    The Edict of Nantes, signed by Henry IV was very important. It was important because it ended the French wars of religion by making Protestantism legal.
  • Period: to

    (Age of Absolutism) James I reign

    James I reign was one of the most important. It was important because he was the first Stuart to be king and he ended Englands war with Spain which was also very important.
  • (Age of Absolutism) Elizabeth I dies (end of the Tudor reign)

    (Age of Absolutism) Elizabeth I dies (end of the Tudor reign)
    When Elizabeth died it was a very important death because it was the end of the Tudor reign. The Tudors got along with Parliament well but after Elizabeth died the Stuarts came to rule, they believed in Divine right of Kings and they believed that they should have all the power and Parliament should have none.
  • Period: to

    (Renaissance/reformation) European religious wars

    This was the battle between the protestant against catholic states. This was also called the thirty years war and it was important because it determined what group would govern Europe.
  • (Age of Absolutism) Charles I is executed

    (Age of Absolutism) Charles I is executed
    When Charles I died it was a very important time. It was important because when Charlies was about to die he still was saying that god sent hi down on Earth to rule and be king. This was important because it introduced the idea of Divine right of Kings.
  • (Age of Absolutism) Parliament asks William of orange and Mary to invade England

    (Age of Absolutism) Parliament asks William of orange and Mary to invade England
    When Parliament Asked William and Mary to Invade England it was a very important time. Since the Stuarts wanted to have all the power and tried every way to get all the power, Parliament decided that they would let William and Mary invade them and they would rule England along with Parliament.
  • (Age of Absolutism) Grand Alliance of England, Netherlands, and Austria all against Louis XIV of France

    (Age of Absolutism) Grand Alliance of England, Netherlands, and Austria all against Louis XIV of France
    This was a very important war and it was actually Louis XIV 3rd war as king. It was important because the League of Augsburg tried to get rid of Louis and it resulted in the 9 years war.
  • (Age of Absolutism) Louis XIV dies

    (Age of Absolutism) Louis XIV dies
    When Louis XIV died it was very important to France. His death symbolized the the long awaited end of the absolute monarchy
  • (Age of Absolutism) The French Revolution begins

    The French Revolution was very important because it changed the way power was distributed. The Important part was that Absolutism became less and less popular as a form of government and the power was distributed evenly between kings and those they governed.