Darfurian Genocide Events

  • War in Darfur Starts

    The war in Darfur begins. Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement begin to fight against the Sudanese government.
  • Attacks in Darfur Begin

    The Janjaweed begin looting villages, raping and murdering Darfuri, and burning villages.
  • Cease Fire Declared

    A cease fire is signed between the Sudan government, SLM, and JEM. Even though a cease fire is signed, attacks in Darfur continue.
  • US Declares it a Genocide

    The US government says that the events in Darfur count as genocide. The UN and other organizations don't think a genocide is occurring.
  • Peace Resolution is Signed

    UNSC signs a peace resolution, which Sudan opposes.
  • Sudan Attacks Darfur

    Despite the signed resolution from the UNSC, the Sudanese government continues to kill people in Darfur.
  • Peacekeepers are Killed

    Peacekeepers from the African Union are killed by the Janjaweed.
  • Omar al Bashir Wanted

    The International Criminal Court wants the leader of Sudan, Omar al Bashir, to be arrested and charged with war crimes.
  • Chemical Attacks Take Place

    The Sudanese government launched chemical (mustard gas) attacks on Darfur.
  • The War Continues

    The War in Darfur is still happening because none of the groups involved can come to an agreement.