Curriculum In Mathematics Timeline

  • NCTM was founded

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics was founded.
  • Post-World War II Plan

    The Post-War Plan was created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • Sputnik’s effect

    Congress passed the National Defense Education Act in response to the launch of Sputnik
  • Handheld calculators

    The first electronic calculator was available in 1972, introduced by Texas Instruments, and gradually began to enter classrooms
  • NCTM standards

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics developed the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics
  • Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

    There were six principles that the new standards centered around; equity, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, and technology
  • Curriculum Focal Points

    The focal points were what the NCTM deemed to be the topics that needed the greatest emphasis in the classroom
  • Common Core State Standards

    The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to equip students with the skills and education needed to attend college and be a productive member of the workforce