Cultural Timeline

  • 570

    570 CE

    Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca. He comes from a respectable family and is well known for his integrity and moral nature.
  • 610

    610 CE

    According to Muslim tradition, at the age of 40, Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel whilst on a retreat in a cave near Mecca. The angel recites to him the first teachings of the Quran and tells him that he is the prophet of God. Later, Muhammad was ordered to call his people to worship the one God, but they reacted with animosity and began to persecute him and his followers (Prophet Muhammad Finding Comfort in Spirituality, 2020).
  • 622

    622 CE

    Muhammad and his supporters are heading to Medina to avoid persecution in Mecca. This pilgrimage is known as the "Hijrah" and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia Contributors, 2019)
  • Period: 624 to 625


    624: Fight of Badr: Muhammad's forces are winning, resulting in a turning point for Islam against the ruling Quraysh tribe (Battle of Badr, 2020)
    625: War of Uhud: the tribe of Quraysh beats the Muslims (Battle of Uhud, 2020)
  • 629

    629 CE

    First pilgrimage made by Muhammad and his Muslims to Mecca after their migration to Medina (The first pilgrimage, 2020)
  • 630


    Muhammad is goes to Mecca with his supporters. He approaches the city safely, and gradually all of his people embrace Islam. The prophet clears the gods and the images of the Kaaba and rededicates them to serve God alone.
  • 632

    632 CE

    Muhammad dies after a long illness. The Muslim group elects its father-in-law and close friend, Abu Bakr, as a caliph or successor. He is the first of the four "Rightly Guided" Caliphs. (Teachers Guide - Muslims | Teacher Center | FRONTLINE | PBS, 2014)
  • Period: 634 to 644

    634 CE- 644 CE

    Umar ibn al-Khattab replaces Abu Bakr as the second caliph of the Rashidun caliphate. He expanded the Empire into Middle Eastern countries. (Umar, n.d.)
  • Period: 644 to 656

    644 CE - 656 CE

    Uthman ibn 'Affan succeeds Umar as the Rashidun Caliphate's third caliph (History of the Early Islamic World for Kids: The First Four Caliphs, 2019)
  • Period: 656 to 661

    656 CE - 661 CE

    Ali ibn Abi Talib succeeds Uthman as the Rashidun Caliphate's fourth and final caliph (History of the Early Islamic World for Kids: The First Four Caliphs, 2019).
  • 661

    661 CE

    Imam Ali is assassinated, putting an end to the reign of the four "righteous caliphs": Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This also marks the advent of the Umayyad dynasty (History of the Early Islamic World for Kids: The First Four Caliphs, 2019).
  • 711

    711 CE

    The Muslims are entering Spain from Morocco. They would finally establish control of much of the Iberian Peninsula (History of the Early Islamic World for Kids: Islam in Spain (Al-Andalus), n.d.)
  • 732

    Charles Martel Defeats Muslims in France

  • Period: 750 to 1258

    750 - 1258

    The Islamic Empire saw an era of science and cultural accomplishment that would later be considered the Golden Age of Islam (The golden age of Islam, 2008).
  • Period: 1000 to 1200

    Islam Begins to spread around Asia and Africa

  • Period: to

    1870-1924 CE

    Muslim refugees came to the United States before the Asian Exclusion Act was passed in 1924 (Wikipedia Contributors, 2019)
  • The State of Israel was Created

  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    To lift the ban from Asian countries, so Muslims student can study in the United States
  • Revision of Immigration Laws

  • Islamic Republic of Iran

    The Iranian revolution created the Islamic Republic of Iran, the first attempt at an Islamic state in the modern age (Afary, 2019)