Kick-off Facilities Modernization Project
Ongoing Professional Development
Implement a unified District Portal
Complete Upgrade of Technology Infrastructure
Diversified Use of Mobile Technology
Ongoing PD
Build Relocatable classrooms
Teachers do not own the learning space. the students can move around based on their learning activities. There would be creativity pods, colloboration pods, social pods and presentation pods. Then rotate outside for P.E -
Build industry labs at school site
Career Tech Ed centered learning. Allow companies to build academies within the school facilities e.g tech labs, science/research labs, pilot classes etc. Results in students learning the skills early and getting career ready -
Intra-district Fairs Spnsored by Industries
Get students to compete at fairs based on the industry labs they have e.g. research lab competes against another research lab school within the district for scholarship money. -
Emphasis on renewable energy