Battle of queenston heights   dennis

Contact Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot Discovered Newfoundland

    John Cabot Discovered Newfoundland
    -John Cabot crossed the Atlantic and discovered the mainland of Newfoundland and Labrador.
    -He left with a ship of 20 people on board.
    - He was originally set to explore Asia but accidentely came across Newfoundland. He was the 2nd European to reach Newfoundland and Labrador.
    - This is considered a contact because it was fairly peaceful and no arguements were created.
  • Jan 1, 1501

    The Beothuk Captured

    The Beothuk Captured
    -In 1501 a group of aboriginal peoples in Newfoundland were being kidnapped and used for slaves by the Europeans.
    -This is a perfect example of ethnocentrism because the Europeans thought they could just use them as slaves.
    - The Beothuk had a fear for white men. They would constantly move away from white men.
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Baron de Lery animals

    Baron de Lery animals
    Baron de Lery was a man who wanted to establish more colonies on the Northern tip of Nova Scotia and another on the tip of Sable Island. He brought horses and cows with him.
    -The horses and cows survived, but the colonies died off.
    - Most of the cows and horses were killed by the Indians but some managed to stay alive.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Jacques Cartier Cure for Scurvy

    Jacques Cartier Cure for Scurvy
    -During the winter of 1535 Cartier and his men were in Quebec.
    -His men became ill with scurvy and they were quickly dying off.
    -Cartier got a cure from Dom Agaya, the chief of the Iroquoians.
    -This is Contact because there was no arguement, and it was short and brief.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Jacques Cartier Reaches Quebec

    Jacques Cartier Reaches Quebec
    -When King Francis of France decided to send an expedition to explore the North, he sent Cartier.
    -In 1234 he left with 61 men and reached North America a few weeks later.
    -Cartier is behind the name 'Canada'. When he reached North America, he found a tribe. Their village was called "Kanata".
    -He used the name and created what is now Canada.
    -This is a contact.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    -He is known as the father of New France.
    -He became invilved with a group who were interested in fur trade.
    -He left the group and wanted to find his own area that wa suitable for fur trading.
    -He departed with approximately 100 men. He lost the majority of his crew to poor weather conditions and Scurvy.