First community college created
Joliet Community College - Illinois -
Low Enrollment
There was low enrollment at this time and general liberal arts programs were being offered. -
Great Depression
The beginning of job training. -
Baby Boomer
Enrollments soared with the baby boomers becoming college age. -
Maricopa Community College District
Maricopa Community College District was founded by Arizona Revised Statuates. -
Fall Opening
Scottsdale Community College opens. -
100% Increase
The total number of students enrolled increased to 2.2 million. -
New College
SCC moved to it's current location. We are the only public institution in the US on Native American land. -
And our mascott is...
Artie the Artichoke was born! -
Slow Down
By the end of this century, enrollment only increases by 23% to an approximate 5.3 million students. -
Associate Degrees
Liberal/general studies and humanities are the top field representing associate degree awards. -
Renewal of SCC accreditation with the assistance of a self study. -
Student Services Reorganization
With the reorganization came departments that were dessolved and departments created. The office of Student-learning and Leadership was adopted! -
Enrollment doubles
Parents desires for their children to have a postsecondary degree and Vietnam War deferment were contributing factors to the large increase. There were now 4.3 million students enrolled. -
Health professionals and related sciences was the top field in certificates awarded.