Colonization in North America

  • 1534

    Montreal and ST. Lawrence

    Frenchman Jacques Cartier Founded St.Lawrence and followed the river down to to an island, which he named it Mont Real, later named Montreal.
  • Jamestown

    Founded by a company of London investors whom were given a charter by King James (Named in honor of King James)
  • Henry Hudson

    The Dutch explorer was trying to discover a sea route west to get to Asia, but he failed in finding a sea route. He later explored 3 water ways that he named after himself(The Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and the Hudson Strait).
  • Diseases

    an epidemic of smallpox ravaged Native Americans living along the New England coast. The population of one tribe, the Massachusett, dropped from 24,000 to 750 by 1631. From South Carolina to Missouri, nearly whole tribes fell to smallpox, measles, and other diseases.
  • Plymouth

    A second England colony was founded by a group of pilgrims escaping religious persecution for their beliefs
  • New Netherland

    The Dutch government granted permission to colonize more land to expand their fur trade, This became New Netherland
  • The English Oust the Dutch

    the English king, Charles II, granted his brother, the Duke of York, permission to drive out the Dutch. When the duke’s fleet arrived at New Netherland, the Dutch surrendered without firing a shot. The Duke of York claimed the colony for England and renamed it New York.
  • King Philip's War

    Native American ruler Metacom (also known as King Philip) led an attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts. In the months that followed, both sides massacred hundreds of victims. After a year of fierce fighting, the colonists were victorious.
  • Lousiana

    Sieur de La Salle explored the lower Mississippi. He claimed the entire river valley for France. He named it Louisiana in honor of the French king, Louis XIV.
  • The French and Indian War

    a dispute over land claims in the Ohio Valley led to a war between the British and French on the North American continent. The Battle would also be known as the Seven Years' war.