Colombia boy


  • 200

    Colombia begins trading and creating art.

    Colombia begins trading and creating art.
    The Chibchas farm, mine salt and emeralds, and trade with other people in central Andes. They craft pottery, gold works, and cotton fabrics.
  • Period: 200 to


  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pedro finds land and centers are made.

    Pedro finds land and centers are made.
    Pedro de Heredia founds Cartagena. The town becomes Colombia’s main trading center and port.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    The Spanish found Bogotá and Cali.

    The Spanish found Bogotá and Cali.
  • A tax rebellion becomes the first Colombian revolt against spanish power.

     A tax rebellion becomes the first Colombian revolt against spanish power.
  • Colombia takes Spanish crown.

    Napoleon Bonaparte takes the Spanish crown and gives it to his brother. Many Spanish colonies refuse to recognize Joseph as their ruler.
  • Simón Bolívar ousts the Spanish and establishes the republic of Gran Colombia.

    Simón Bolívar ousts the Spanish and establishes the republic of Gran Colombia.
  • Bolívar dies while other bordering countries win independence.

    Bolívar dies while other bordering countries win independence.
  • Women win the right to vote and parties form goverments.

    Women win the right to vote and parties form goverments.
    The Liberal and Conservative parties also form the National Front and alternate presidency for the next 16 years.
  • Guerrilla group M-19 occupies the Palace of Justice.

    Guerrilla group M-19 occupies the Palace of Justice.
    Their battle with the military kills over 100 people