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Colleen Chittenden ECS 312 Autobiography

  • The Day I Was Brought Into This World

    The Day I Was Brought Into This World
    I was brought into this world on an early Saturday morning. July 17th is extra special because not only is it my birthday but it is also my parent's anniversary.
  • Got Stiches In My Lip

    Got Stiches In My Lip
    When I was only Two years old I fell when I was running and got wood stuck in my ower lip. I had to get stiches and plastic surgery to fix my lip. I still have a scar on my lip and my lip also slants when I smile. Although I don't remember this happening I have been affected my whole life by this.
  • Lake Okaboji

    This was my first family reunion ever. I was only 6 years old but I can still remember my huge family and all the fun I had.
  • Finish Mexico House

    Finish Mexico House
    As long as I can remember my family has been going to Rocky Point, Mexico. My parents decided that because we loved going there so much that they would build a house there for us. This house has given me so many amazing memories and is one of my favorite places in the entire world.
  • 9/11

    September 11th 2001, is a day I will rememebr forever. Even though I was still young when the the terrorist attack happened, I will forever be impacted by this day. I am pround to be an American and love living in this country.
  • Sadie Joined The Family

    Sadie Joined The Family
    Sadie is my family's dog! She is the CUTEST dog ever! She is a golden retriever so she is extremely nice and calm. She loves to cuddle and lay on the couches.
  • Started Playing Club Basketball

    Started Playing Club Basketball
    This is when I started playing club basketball for the AZ Sting. From then until sophomore year in high school I had tournaments every weekend and practice during the week for this team. I have many memories with this team and the players that also became my best friends.
  • Traevin's Birth

    Traevin's Birth
    This is the day that my nephew was born. This day was filled with mixed emotions because my sister gave birth to him at the age of 17. Three days after he was born he was adopted by his new family.
  • Confirmation

    This was a big milestone in my life because I had spent 8 years going to religious education and now I was finally able to make that sacrement in the church.
  • Started Dating Doug

    Started Dating Doug
    When I was 15 years old I met my boyfriend Doug and started dating him. We have been dating for almost 5 years now. While we have had our ups and downs I love him and he has helped me become the person I am today.
  • State Championship

    State Championship
    This was a huge deal in my life and an experience I will never forget. I played basketball from the time I was in kindergarten until I graduated high school and it all paid off when my team and I won the state championship.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    My high school graduation was definitely a night I will never forget. I had a wonederful high school experience that definitely shaped the person I am today and while I was glad to move onto college I appreciated my time there!
  • Moved Out And Into The Dorms

    Moved Out And Into The Dorms
    This is the first time I had ever moved in my life and I was also leaving my parents. While I was only going 10 minutes away from them it was still a big adjustment because I am very close with both of my parents
  • Joined Alpha Chi Omega

    Joined Alpha Chi Omega
    This day I joined my sorority Alpha Chi Omega here at ASU. This sorority has basically shaped my college experience. Because of this sorority I have met some of my best friends. I have also taken multiple leadership postions that have developed me into a better leader.
  • Started Working For The Robertson's

    Started Working For The Robertson's
    The Robertson's is the family I have been nannying for now for about two years. The kids are part of the reason I am in education. I love my job and think I am truly blessed to work for such an amazing family.
  • Arie Passed Away

    Arie Passed Away
    On this day one of my friends Arie, passed away from cancer. This was something I watched him fight for about two years. To this day I still can't imagine my life ending the way his did and at the age of 19. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him.
  • Bought My First Car

    Bought My First Car
    This was a huge deal to me. I feel like I officially became a grown up when I purchased my first car. I learned what actually goes into the process and I now realize how important it is to take care of this car since I used my own money to buy it.