NATO was a Treaty Atlantic Treaty Organization. To help one another if attacked. It had to do with all countries who signed up. It was founded April 1949 by WWII allies. It was important to history because this treaty made countries help each other during war. NATO impacted government because the military is going to be the people fighting. -
Brown vs Board
Brown v. Board was a Supreme Court Case for integrating schools. Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to go to an all white school instead of the segregated school because it was closer to his house. This happened in 1954 in Kansas. It overturned Plessy v. Ferguson so it is important. It impacted society because it desegregated all schools. -
Elvis Presley
Elvis was born in Mississippi. He is the King of Rock and Roll. He was popular on t.v. because of Ed Sullivan. He was popular in 1956 in Memphis Tennessee. He is important because he had 94 gold singles, 40 gold albums and was in 33 films. He impacted society because of his influence on pop culture and rock and roll. -
Medicare Medicaid
Lyndon Johnson proposed medicare and Social Security set up medicaid. Medicare pays hospital bills for over 65. Medicaid gives money to low incomes for any age. Medicare is 1966 in U.S. and Medicaid in 1965. Medicare covers half the health care charges. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for people with low income. This impacted society because older adults pay 3X more for health care and benefits vary from state to state. -
MLK assassination
MLK was a civil rights activist. He was supporting sanitation workers and was at the Lorraine Motel room 306 in Memphis, Tennessee. It happened on April 4, 1968. James Earl Ray shot Dr. King with a remington rifle and MLK was hit in his jaw, severing his spinal cord. He died at 7:05 pm. This impacted society because the civil rights movement ended when he was assassinated. -
Vietnam War
The war includes US and USSR and North and South Vietnam. It took place in 1968-1975. The US had hawks who wanted war and doves who didn't. Richard Nixon promised to end the war in 1968. Peace talks happened in Jan. 1973. It is important because in this war 58,000 Americans and 1 million Vietnamese were killed. This impacted politics because the Vietcong were communist and supported by USSR. -
RFK Assassination
RFK was JFK brother, and was assassinated on June 4, 1968. He got assassinated by Sirham Sirhan. It happened at Kennedy's support for Israels military politics. After , Kennedy went walking through the kitchen as a shortcut, while by the pantry he was shot. He died on June 6, at age 42. It was important because it led the secret service protection for all future presidential candidates. It impacted politics because he could've been president but he was killed. -
Persian Gulf War
On August 1990, Saddam Huessein, sent in 100,000 troops into Kuwait. Kuwait was a rich oil producer. George Bush wanted to prevent Iraq from spreading its influence in Middle East. Sent American troops to Saudi Arabia. 28 countries joined. Then the war ended 6 weeks later. In February 19. It was important because only 382 Americans died. But, 100,000 Iraqis died. It impacted the government because it cost billions to rebuild. Plus 700 million to clean up the oil spilled. -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was a Democrat. He is from Arkansas and served from 1992-2000. His favorite ice cream is mango and he won two Grammy awards. He is important because of health care reform and his wife ran for president. He impacted economy because he lowered the deficit. -
Social Network
The first social network cite was Geocities in 1994. This affects people around the world. Snapchat began in 2012 and is message app. Facebook has over 150 million users. It is important to connect with friends and loved ones for updates and sharing news. This impacts society because it has become mobile being able to use it on your smartphone. -
Financial Crisis
The financial crisis affected Wall Street. It happened in New York in 2008. The world economy faced its most dangerous crisis since the Great Depression. It is important because it began with mortgage dealers who issued mortgages to borrowers who couldn't pay them back so they went into foreclosure. It impacted economy because they lost 2 million jobs and unemployment was 7.2%.