Cold War to Present

By heineli
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    Baby Boom is what happened when the birth rate in the United States went up tremendously, starting in 1930 with 9 mil. babies to in 1950 with 29 mil. babies. Baby Boom was important because it increased the US' population after the Great Depression and WWII. It impacted the United States by advancing healthcare for pregnant women & children, it impacted the economy and society because better healthcare means more money economically but also means healthier people which helps society.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson was the first African American MLB player, he played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was born in Georgia and went to UCLA for Baseball, Track, Basketball, and Football. Him and his family would receive threats from multiple people, even his own team. He was important because of being the first African American MLB player and breaking color barriers. He impacted society because his number is retires by every baseball team an Jackie Robinson day is on April 15th.
  • NATO/Warsaw Pact

    NATO/Warsaw Pact
    The NATO was a treaty made of WWII allies, it meant countries had to help one another if they were attacked, it was a military alliance put together in Brussels, Belgium in 1949. The Warsaw Pact was an Alliance set up against NATO mainly consisting of the Soviet Union's army, put together in May 1955 and ended in 1991. These pacts were important because they helped prevent another World War from happening between countries. It impacted US politics because it is the reason for the cold war.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean war was fought between North Korea & China(Communist) and South Korea & the US(Democratic). Korea was split in half at the 38th parallel & made North Korea(NK) & South Korea(SK). NK invaded SK in June of 1950 unexpectedly. The US & SK pushed NK almost to the border of China but China decided to join in & the US and SK had to retreat. The Korean war was important because it kept SK Democratic. The Korean war impacted US society because of the soldiers lost on the US side.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. When he was going to jail, Jack Ruby shot him and was brought to prison. JFK's assassination was important to history because as president he got millions of Americans out of poverty and started the Peace Corps. JFK's assassination impacted US politically because after JFK died Lyndon Johnson (VP) took his place and escalated the war and brought more soldiers into Vietnam.
  • Medicade

    Medicaid, started in 1965, gives money to help low income people from all ages for medical reasons. People who were eligible for Medicaid were the blind, def, aged, disabled, and pregnant women. It was important to history because it was the largest source of funding for medical services for people with low income. It impacted society because even though it varies if you qualify from state to state it is still a helpful way for people who need it.
  • Medicare

    In 1966, Lyndon Johnson started Medicare. Medicare is when the US government helps pay hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65 (covering 1/2 of health care charges). It was important to US history because it helped those who were out of some older people who can't always afford heath care prices when they need it the most. It impacted society because usually older adults paid more than 3x as much for health insurance when younger.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    On 5-4-1970 college students at Kent State University had a protest on their campus. The police were called on them, and violently struck down the students. The ARNG was then called and came in riot gear. The students were angered and began throwing rocks at them. 28 guardsmen then turned around and shot 61 bullets, causing 4 to die & 9 injured. This event was important because protesters were hurt, it impacted US politics because the NG wasn't held accountable and put distrust on the gov't.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford was president from 1974-1976, he started as a Michigan Congressman for 25 years before his presidency. He was Richard Nixon's VP before he resigned. He is important to US history because he started trade with the Soviet Union and was a part of the Warren Commission investigation. The Warren Commission is the investigation of John F. Kennedy's Assassination. He impacted politics because he pardoned/forgave Richard Nixon after the file stealing.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton was a Democrat president who was in office from 1992-2000, before becoming president he was the governor of Arkansas. . He was important because he started the Health care reform, sent 20,000 troops to Bosnia, signed the 'Test Ban Treaty', and he was also the 2nd president to be put on trial but still stayed in office Bill Clinton impacted politics because he lowered the United States Deficits (Debt)
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was a Republican elected as president in 2000 but started as a Governor of Texas. He was important to History because he started the tax relief, and the No child left behind. While he was president during the execution of Saddam Hussein was executed. He impacted politically because he was president during the 9/11 attacks and launched the war on terror against terrorist attacks.
  • September 11, 2001 attacks

    September 11, 2001 attacks I could not fit it all in one timeline, so I copied and pasted it into a doc. I'm sorry but it is just to important of an event to me and my family that I couldn't shorten it.
  • Financial Crisis 2008

    Financial Crisis 2008
    The Financial crisis of 2008 effected the US financial sector(Wall Street). It was the worlds most dangerous crisis since the Great depression, companies that relied on credit suffered especially car companies & banks stopped making loans. The government tried to bailout companies & Wall street, but the Bush admin. did little to help. It is important to US history because of how dangerous of a crisis it was. It impacted the economy because of the recession & unemployment rates went to 7.2%.