Cold War to Present

By joneaut
  • NATO & Warsaw Pact

    NATO & Warsaw Pact
    The Allies and the Soviet Union set up military alliances so that they could protect themselves from each other. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation that helps the Allies if they're attacked. The Warsaw Pact is the Soviet Union's military alliance that was set up to go against NATO. NATO and the Warsaw Pact were important because. NATO and the Warsaw Pact impacted because.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North and South Korea and UN were involved in the Korean War. South Korea was invaded by North Korea in 1950 because the North wanted the South to be communist not democratic. The war was a tug o' war between North Korea and South Korea. The U.N almost took over North Korea but China went across the border and made us go back to the 38th parallel. The Korean War was important because it kept communism from spreading.The Korean War impacted politics because we were trying to remove communism.
  • Brown -vs- Board of Education

    Brown -vs- Board of Education
    The Brown -vs- Board of education is a redo of the Plessy -vs- Ferguson case that stated that we could have separate but equal facilities, but that never happened. Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to o to an all-white school because the school was closer to their home. NAACP helped file a lawsuit because it violated the 14th amendment. This event was important because it made schooling equal for everyone. This event impacted society because we now have equal schooling for everyone of every race.
  • Evis Presley

    Evis Presley
    Elvis Presley is known as the king of rock n' roll. Born in Mississippi, but lived in Graceland, Tennessee. He was on the Ed Sullivan Show and got very popular. One of Presley's most popular songs is Don't be Cruel. On August 16, 1977 Elvis died of heart failure by drug prescription overdose. Elvis Presley was important because he had 94 gold singles, 40 gold albums, and stared in 33 films. Elvis impacted society because everyone loved him and it broke everyone's hearts when he died.
  • Barack Obama Inauguration

    Barack Obama Inauguration
    John Robert, Barack and Michelle Obama were involved in Obama's Inauguration. Obama's Inauguration was important because she was the first African American to become prpresident. The Inauguration impacted politics because he was the first African American to be a president.