
cold war to present

By tysshan
  • United NationsUnited nations impacted the common can’t me

    United NationsUnited nations impacted the common can’t me
    U.S. England, France,Russia, China are all in the United Nations. The united nations is a peace keeping organization. It is located in New York city.The importance for United Nations was to solve disputes, provide vaccines, solve disease and hunger, and etc. The United Nations impacted the economy because then we do not have to make victory Gardens or ration our food because we are trying to win a war we do not have people dying that we’re on the draft listed because you’re trying to win a war.
  • NATO/Warsaw pact

    NATO/Warsaw pact
    NATO means North Atlantic Treaty organization. NATO promised to help another if attacked. It was founded in April 1949, by the WW2 allies in Brussels Belgium. The Warsaw Pact is the Soviet union’s military alliance to go against NATO. However, the Warsaw Pact was started in 1955 by the Soviet Union and it ended in 1991. these are important because the are military alliances. The NATO/ Warsaw Pact impacted politics because it there were a lot of threats because of communism and democracy.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    The U.S. was involved with the baby boom. The baby Boom was when the birthright of U.S. increase tremendously. This event took place in the united states in 1945-1954. It was important to history because It was to make up for time lost in the great depression and WW2. Baby Boom impacted society because because better health care for children and pregnant women during 1940's and 50's.
  • Brown VS. Board of education.

    Brown VS. Board of education.
    Brown and the board of education was involved in this event. This is when Oliver Brown asked if his Daughter could go to a white school. He asked this because this cool was a lot closer to there house. This took place in 1954 at the local school board. This was important to history because it was the first time someone wanted to violate the 14th amendment. Brown VS. Board impacted the society because the society did not want a black girl going to an all white school.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    This event involved Soviet Union, America, and Cuba. the Cuban missile crisis is where the soviet union gave Cuba nuclear weapons. the Cuban missile crisis took place in Cuba on October 1962. This event was important to history because it was the closest we ever were to a nuclear war. The Cuban missile crisis impacted politics because every the president was holding a lot of meetings to find out if he should tell the people or not. It also affected politics because it was there decisions.
  • Man on the moon

    Man on the moon
    Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michel Collins were all involved in this event. Man on the moon was when Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. It took place on the moon in 1969 and 4:17 pm. It was important because the Man on the moon mission was to plant an american flag on the moon, gather moon samples, and return safely. This impacted the society because the U.S. was the first to make it to the moon.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    The U.S. was involved in it. The event was when Gerald Ford was elected president he was of the Republican party. This event took place in the U.S. from 1974-1976. This was important to history because he was the one who open up trade with the soviet union. He also helped investigated JFK assassination. Gerald ford big impacted was pardoning Richard Nixon. Gerald Ford impacted the economy because opening of trade gave the U.S. more resources that help the economy.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    The U.S. was involved in this event. The event was when Jimmy carter a Democrat previously the Governor of Georgia. This event took place in the U.S. Jimmy carter Important event was when 52 hostages take during his time and was apart was salt 2. This impacted the society because a lot of Olympic athletes are mad. This also affected politics because there had to be negotiations for the Helsinki agreement, and they had to get use to another president.
  • space shuttle challenger

    space shuttle challenger
    The u.s. was involved in this event. This was when NASA wanted to send a person into space. This did not happen because after 74 second it burst into flames. This event took place in the U.S. on January 1986. This was important because it was the first time NASA was sending a civilian into space. This impacted society because was known world around. Millions tuned into watch the 7 astronauts.
  • Persian Gulf war

    Persian Gulf war
    Saddam Hussein, Kuwait, America, and 28 countries. Persian Gulf war was when America and 28 other countries to help fight in the war. They did this because they did not want Iraq from spreading its bad influence in the Middle East. It happened in Kuwait on August 1990. This event was important to history because it sent Americans forces to Saudi Arabia. The Persian gulf impacted politics because there has to be a lot of talk in congress if we should send people to fight or stay out of it.
  • September 11, 2001.

    September 11, 2001.
    This event involved the U.S. and the terrorist. This event is when hijacker ran planes into major buildings. this event took out the twin towers, and the pentagon. This event took place in america on 9/11 2001. this was important to history because it was the first time we have been under attack since pearl harbor. 9/11 impacted society because of all the family member that lose there live to this attack. It also involved politics because the president had to make a decision on what to do.

    The people who are involved in the IRAQ/Afghanistan are President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair. This event led to an occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan american troops for over a decade. This event took Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001.This event was important because it was to protect the oil reserves, make the world safe from terrorists, And to stop the possibility of Iraq employing weapons.Iraq/Afghanistan impacted society because of the people who had people that died.