Cold War

  • NATO is Formed

    NATO is Formed
    NATO is formed right after WWll ends. This unites many countries in the western hemisphere and in western Europe. It's a treaty based on International Security. It's important because it creates many allies for the U.S and establishes a pact between the countries.
  • Berlin Blockade Ends

    Berlin Blockade Ends
    The USSR had ordered a blockade on Berlin, leaving them stranded with no food or way of escaping. But with the Berlin Airlifts from the U.S, we forced the USSR to end it. This is important because it is always good to see your enemy back down from a plan. Also we looked like the better country in this conflict.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    On June 24, 1950, North Korea invades South Korea, taking their capital within days. This was important because Truman used his ideology of containment to join the conflict, which began the first, and one of the only, military conflicts in the Cold War.
  • The Rosenberg Trial

    The Rosenberg Trial
    On March 6, 1951, Klaus Fuchs, Julian Rosenberg, and Ethel Rosenberg stood trial being accused of spying on the U.S government to aid the USSR. They were found guilty and executed. This is important because it's the true start of the 2nd Red Scare and leaves the public worried about communism at home.
  • U.S Tests the Hydrogen Bomb

    U.S Tests the Hydrogen Bomb
    The U.S Successfully tests the H - Bomb, which is so much more powerful than the atomic bomb. This is important because it puts us ahead of the Soviets in military power.
  • Polio Vaccine discovered

    Polio Vaccine discovered
    Dr. Jonas Salk discovered the cure for Polio in 1953. This is significant because it was a very large disease at the time and a medical advancement for the time. Also FDR had polio.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    The Cuban revolution begins, led by Castro, who is a communist. We try to get Cubans to revolt against this new power but are unsuccessful. It's significant because there is now communist powers in the western hemisphere. We are scared.
  • USSR Get the Hydrogen Bomb

    USSR Get the Hydrogen Bomb
    On August 12 1953, the USSR successfully tests their own Hydrogen Bomb. This is very significant because they close the gap on the military power and catch up in only 9 months. Much less than the Atomic Bomb.
  • Warsaw Pact is formed

    Warsaw Pact is formed
    The Warsaw Pact is very similar to NATO but with the USSR and their allies. This is important because it establishes two sides to this conflict and shows this race for power between the U.S and USSR.
  • Sputnik is Launched

    Sputnik is Launched
    The USSR launches a satellite into orbit around the earth. This is significant because it was the first time ever and marked the beginning of the space race.
  • Explorer 1 Launches

    Explorer 1 Launches
    We launch our first satellite into space only 3 months after the USSR's. This is important because it catches us back up with the Russians even though we didn't get the satellite into orbit like theirs. Extends the space race.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    The U.S gets caught spying on the USSR and the plane gets shot down. It's significant because we try to lie about it but then have to tell the truth and it makes Eisenhower look bad.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The U.S attempted to invade using other Cubans who had fled Cuba. It goes very wrong and Kennedy loses a lot of trust with his cabinet for making this call. It's also important because it angers the USSR and leads to more conflict.
  • Kennedy's Speech

    Kennedy's Speech
    Kennedy gives a speech about the missiles in Cuba to the public. This is important because it starts a panic within the poeple in the U.S. This is when you see a rise in bomb shelters and public videos like "Duck n' Cover".
  • We Land on the MOON!

    We Land on the MOON!
    Neil Armstrong is the first man to land on the moon. This is significant because we get on top of the space race for the first time. Also it's a giant leap for mankind :).