civil war timeline

  • northwest ordinance

    it added 5 more states to the 13 colonies it allowed new states to enter in on equal terms, and it was an expansion more into the u.s. it was a ordinance of the government territory of the united states
  • Louisiana purchase

    some territory was purchased from France, Jefferson sent Lewis and William to search in hopes of locating a northwest passage, he also hoped they would find a quicker journey from the Atlantic to the was important because it doubled the united states in size
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri came out as a slave stated and ruined the balance, in this time Maine also declared as a slave state, it drew the line for the expansion of slavery at 36'30. it was important because it allowed more states to vote to decide if they were a slave state or not
  • Monroe doctrine

    when James Monroe wrote a doctrine and warned the European not to recolonize with Spain, monarchs were restored in Europe at the end of the Napolean region, it was very dependent on the British navy. it was important for us policy towards the western hemisphere
  • nullification crisis

    when state rights had to declare to federal law and void if it harmed the state, the federal government passed a very high protective tariff. Andrew Jackson wanted to maintain that the federal government was stronger than that of the represented a pivotal in American history
  • Texas annexation

    Americans in Texas declared independence from Mexico after they outlawed slavery, the American acquired the republic of texas through annexation, the American born texas declared and won independence. it was important because Mexico severed relations with the united states
  • Mexican cession

    it contained territories that made up the rest of the southwestern united states, the united states paid 15 million for the Mexican cession, it also completed the manifest destiny. it was important because we gained a lot more land
  • Oregon treaty

    it was the ending of the 28 years joint occupancy of the pacific northwest, established 49th parallel as the border between them, was the treaty between Great Britain and the united states. it was important because it showed that us was willing to fight for westward expansion
  • compromise of 1850

    it introduced the principle of popular sovereignty, this is when California came out as a free state, the sale of slaves no longer happened in Washington D.C. . it was important because states started stopping slavery
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Stephen Douglas proposed popular sovereignty to see if states were slavery states or not, the Missouri compromise was overturned, the emergence of the republican party happen. it was important the Missouri compromise was overturned and let the states decided if they wanted slavery on their border or not
  • bleeding Kansas

    was a border war in the Kansas territory, Kansas amitted to the union as a free territory, the debate of slavery was happening in Kansas. why was it important because slaves were being freed
  • battle of fort Sumter

    this battle took place in charleston, the first shots of the civil war were shot here, union surrender fort Sumter. it was important because it created a hole in the union's blockade
  • battle of bullrun

    it was a shock because people thought it would end quickly, lincoln replaced generals in hopes the union would win, confederate ended up winning the was important because it was the first battle of the civil war
  • battle of Antietam

    the single bloodiest day of the war was the first southern invasion into the north when lincoln found the opportunity that he needed to move forward with the emancipation was important because the union enabled the union to repeal the first confederate invasion
  • emancipation proclamation

    lincoln had fear for the border states because they still allowed slavery, when it was announced he promoted it as a military measure, this was him giving one more chance for southern to rejoin the union. it was important because the war for the union was a war for freedom
  • presidential reconstruction

    only 10% of plan voters that voted for lincoln, high military leaders and confederate officials were temporarily excluded from the process, Andrew Jackson granted pardons to those who swore allegiance to the union. it was important because it gave the white south an option to transition from slavery to freedom
  • battle of Vicksburg

    grant lays siege against Vicksburg after multiple attempts to captures the city, lincoln believed the capture of Vicksburg was the key to ending the war, it spilt the confederacy in two. it was important because it gave us access to the Mississippi
  • battle of Gettysburg

    when lee set off to Pennsylvania to take some union land, lee also retreated to Virginia, it was there second and last attempt for the south to invade the north. it was important because it was the civil war
  • Gettysburg address

    lincoln visits and dedicates a cemetery for the fallen, the proposition was dedicated that all me were created equal, the civil war was a struggle to fulfill the declaration of independence. it was important because it birthed a new way of freedom
  • 13th amendment passed

    it abolished slavery and involuntary serverside, congress can have the power to enforce the article, slavery was a crime, it was important because it got rid of racial discrimination
  • Sherman's march to sea

    the main objective was to capture port savannah, he led his forces on a march to the sea, utilizing scorched earth methods. it was important because it scared Georgias civilians
  • congressional reconstruction

    it had the military reconstruction act 1867, it split the former confederacy into 5 military districts controlled by u.s. army, it also granted the bright right of citizenship. it was important because it granted African American the right to vote
  • 14th amendment date

    it made everyone born in American citizens of the united states, no person should be a senator in congress, congress has the power to enforce was important because it protected the rights of freed slaves
  • 15th amendment date

    allowed freed slaves to vote, Congress has the power to enforce this law, they said no one should be not able to vote because of the color of there was important because it was a mile stone for civil rights
  • plessy v. Ferguson

    it was a landmark decision that upheld racial segregation laws, this was later known as separate but not equal, Plessy stated that the segregation law violated was important because it let constitutional of racial segregation