
Chinese Inventions and Discoveries.

  • Period: 200 BCE to 1400

    Between 200 BCE and 1400 CE

    Inventions and discoveries took place between 200 BCE and 1400 CE
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    Porcelain (Industry)

    Porcelain (Industry)
    Chinese porcelain became a prized item for trade. Europeans did not learn how to make fine porcelain until the 18th century. Many people think that medieval Chinese porcelain is the finest in the world. People today still refer to fine dinnerware as “china.” So it was very important because it was a prized item and many did not know the method of creating these gorgeous porcelain item until many years later.
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    Paper (Industry)

    Paper (Industry)
    Paper was used for writing down things, recording and transmitting information. It was important because they were the only ones that knew the secret of paper making for 500 years with is long time to make a lot of money.
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    Gunpowder (Military Tech)

    Gunpowder (Military Tech)
    Gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant for weapons back in the day. It was an essential part of weaponry for the military because gunpowder is an explosive powder that was an propelling charge in weaponry..
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    Printing (Industry)

    Printing (Industry)
    Printing was used to print textiles and reproduce Buddhist texts. Short religious texts printed in this fashion was carried as charms. Printing was Important because it caused written materials to become more widely available, and advances in printing helped spread learning throughout China.
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    Paper Money (Everyday Objects)

    Paper Money (Everyday Objects)
    It fact Ancient China created the first paper money. They were able to create something that would change the world completely in the future much like their other inventions. This was important because it allowed the rest of the world to build on this idea and use paper instead of coins.
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    Game Cards (Everyday Objects)

    Game Cards (Everyday Objects)
    These game cards originated from china and is now played throughout the entire world. Back then famous artists would paint of these game cards so they may have been worth quite a lot. It was important because it allowed them to create many games though one source which was able to spread around the entire world.
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    Mechanical Clock (Everyday Objects)

    Mechanical Clock (Everyday Objects)
    China created the first mechanical clock that worked accurately than many other forms of telling time. Just to get even better they kept altering it and making it more complex. Eventually it became an important thing because not only was it accurate it was also the basis of what people used to create the clocks we have today.
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    Weapons (Military Tech)

    Weapons (Military Tech)
    They created weapons off the basis of gunpowder the Chinese developed powerful weapons. They created their first weapon the flame thrower, then the Artillery shells,Small bombs, or grenades, and weapons much like the ones we have today. The weapons were important because they invented an more better and efficient source of weaponry which let them have an advantage in their battles.
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    Inoculation (Medicine)

    Inoculation (Medicine)
    Sometime around the 10th century, the Chinese discovered how to inoculate people against smallpox, a dreaded infectious disease. It is important because doctors and patients in China during the medieval period benefited from new knowledge of medicine and treatment of diseases. Also because Chinese knowledge about smallpox inoculation eventually led to the development of drugs called vaccines.
  • 1300

    Rockets (Military Tech)

    Rockets (Military Tech)
    Ancient China developed a two-stage rocket for their armies. The first stage propelled the rocket through the air. The second stage dropped arrows down on the enemy. They originally used rockets at fireworks then they used rockets as a weapons. The rockets that we use to explore space today are based on principles discovered by the Chinese.