Chile and Argentina Liberation

  • Spanish Liberation

    Napoleon’s invasion of Spain and the arrest of Fernando VII in 1808 were the two crucial factors of Chilean citizens desire for independence. On September 18, 1810 the First National Government Junta was proclaimed and the process of liberation from Spanish control was in progress. The first National Congress was elected, a Constitutional Regulation was drafted, Chile’s first newspaper La Aurora de Chile was published, and a national flag were created.
  • San Martin’s Influence Grows

    Months before March of 1812, San Martín then arrives in Argentina and is greeted by Agrenite leaders. Then January of 1813, San Martín then defeated Spanish forces that been harassing settlements upon Parana River. This victory goes to the Agertines for defeating the Spanish which then sets up for the independence of Argentina.
  • Army of the North

    Agretina's army had been fighting royalist forces from upper Peru (Bolivia) to stalemate. San Martín took control and took his forces and planned an attack uphill targeted at upper Peru. He then found it a better idea to do it across Andes and free Chile.
  • Crossing the Andes

    The Spanish forces in Chile were expecting the Army, and they knew it. San Martín fooled the Spanish by mentioning an incorrect route to Indian allies, and as he suspected, they were playing for both sides, as they told the Spanish, his plan was falling into place, Spanish soldiers went south to where they crossed. The crossing was laborious. Soldiers struggled with freezing to death and high altitudes. On Feb. 1817, the Andes Army entered Chile, beginning of the Battle of Chacabuco.
  • Crossing the Andes

    The Spanish forces in Chile were expecting the Army of Andes and they knew it. San Martín fooled the Spanish by mentioning an incorrect route to Indian allies, and as he suspected, they were playing for both sides, and they told the Spanish, his plan falling into place exactly, the Spanish soldiers went far south in comparison to where he crossed. The crossing was laborious, as soldiers struggled with the freezing cold and high altitudes.
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    Campaign Across the Andes

    Loyalist forces recaptured Chile making it possible for San Martín to fight and had to cross the andes mountains to get the certain location that he had to. Then on the 12th of February he surprised the royalists which were people of the Spanish government and fought and defeated them then took over Santiago.
  • Battle of Chacabuco

    This war was between the royalists and the Army of Andes. This was fought in Santiago, Chile, and it began the expulsion of Spaniards from Chile. It was defeat for the Captaincy General of Chile, which was the royalist government established after the Viceroyalty of Peru. This ensured the emancipation of Chile.
  • Succes in Chile

    After the battle of Chacabuco, San Martin realizes that royalist forces are still a threat and in need for caution came across a securing battle in Santiago then secures Chile’s Independence.
  • Spanish Removal from Peru

    For Chile and Argentina to truly be free, San Martín needed to remove the Spanish and their stronghold in Peru. This victory eliminated Spanish influence in Chile. This defeat was apart of his plan to travel across the Andes and then attack Peru.