Chapter 17

  • 1488

    Portuguese round the Cape of Good Hope

    This is Important because now the Portuguese will eventually start trading in the Indian Ocean, and competing with other merchants.
  • 1492

    Columbus’s first expedition

    This is very important because it is when the “New World” was found.
  • 1509

    First Spanish colonies on Latin American mainland

    This is important because the Spanish would remain in the Americas for a long time and use the land to their advantage to make a profit.
  • 1562

    Britain begins its slave trade

    This is important because the British colonies imported a lot of slaves, having a detrimental effect on Africa.
  • British defeat Spanish Armada

    This is important because it represents the shift in power from Southern Europe to Northern Europe
  • Japan begins isolation policy

    This is important because now Japan would not have contact with the developing world and could possibly not develop at the same pace or have the same innovations.
  • First permanent British colony in Virginia

    This is important because, the British would eventually rule over much of the North American Atlantic Coast, and then eventually much of North America as well. The British colonies would also become the United States.
  • Dutch launch colony in Southern Africa

    This is important because this Dutch colony would cause strife between the Africans who lived there all through the 1950s with apartheid. Even though the Dutch didn’t own that colony forever, their impact would last.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    This is important because it gave England many colonies, namely, much of French North America.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    This is important because this is when the United States was formed.