Ratification of the 19th amendment
this gave women the right to vote, known as women suffrage. this is important because if the women at the time didn't try to get their rights, then they wouldn't of been able to do everything a man can do like today. -
Adolf Hitler becomes head of the "nazi" party
this was when the Nazi party became known and started taking over all of Germany. this is important because this was the start of Adolf Hitler"s rain of terror against the Jews. -
Hitlers "Beer Hall Putsch"
this was when the Nazi"s traveled to Munich to take over that area, but drastically failed to do so. this is important because since Hitler lost that battle to take over a part of Germany, he realizes his army needs to be better to take over all of Germany and that is exactly what he does. -
Lenin, head of soviet Russia, dies
This is when Vladimir Lenin dies of a brain hemorrhage at the age of 54. this is important because now there is a new leader of the soviet party, Joseph Stalin. -
Germany admitted to the league of nations
this was when Germany got put into an international organization, The League Of Nations. This is important because now Germany can grow due to this and the Nazi army can grow bigger. -
Stock market crash on Wall Street
this was when Black Tuesday hit the stock market on wall street and a lot of shares got traded, loosing billions of dollars. this is important because this shows how harmful the stock markets are. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt defeats Hoover
this was the presidency of the United States on March 4th, 1933. Roosevelt won because of the great depression happening in the United States. this is important because Franklin Roosevelt helped to get rid of the depression happening in the USA. -
German Jews striped of rights by the Nuremberg race laws
this is when all of the Jews were gathered up and mostly assassinated or put in concentration camps to die of starvation. this is important because this was one of Hitlers greatest terror threats that he has ever done. -
Civil war begins in Spain
This was when the civil war began in Spain. This is important because after the two sides fought, they industrialized to be like the other countries surrounding them. -
Olympic games begin in Germany
this was when the first Olympic games went on. This is important because this was a peaceful competition with all the countries. This brought a little peace in Germany at the time.