Chapter 1

  • Jun 1, 1500

    First occupants

    Inuits, Algonqians and Iroquoi
  • Jun 16, 1534

    Jacques Catier's first trip

    -Explored st laurence
    -Contact with mic macs
  • Jun 16, 1535

    Jacques Cartier's second trip

    -Went to hochelaga and stadacona
    -Stopped because of the lachine rapids
    -cure for scurvy
  • Jun 16, 1541

    Jacque Cartier's third trip

    -Set up colony with Roberval
    -gold and quartz
    -Failed to set up a colony
  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • Samuel de Champlains Habitation

  • Period: to

    Chartered Company rule

  • Battle of Champlain

  • Fur trade monopoly given to the company of 100 associates

  • Laviolette settles trois rivieres

  • Chomedy de Maisoneuve settled montreal

    -started as a religious settlement
    -became an important fur trading post
  • Louis XIV sent over carignan de saliere

  • Period: to

    Royal Government

  • Jean Talon as Intendant

    From 1665-1668
    From 1670-1672
  • Conquest

  • British merchants arrive in Canada

    From 1760-1770
  • Period: to

    British Regime

  • Loyalists arrive

    From 1783-1791
  • Immigrants from britain arrive in canda

    From 1815-1850
    Settled in Upper Canada
    Includes scots, irish and english
  • Great Hemorrhage

    from 1850-1900
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • Immigration of the West of Canada

  • Last spike

  • Baby Boom

  • Immigrant act