Mexico's Independemce
Father Manuel Hidalgo called for Mexican Independence from Spain in 'el grito de delores,' and this became Mexico's Independence Day. However, the struggle denigrated into guerilla warfare as the masses Mestizos and Indians rose against whites Gauchupines and Creoles. -
Chile's Independence
Chile declared its independence on September 18th,1810. They broke away from Spanish rule when they declared their independence. Even when they declared their independence, they were still loyal to King Ferdinand VII of Spain. In 1808, France invaded Spain and Napolean put his brother on the throne while he captured King Charles IV and his heir, Ferdinand VII. Napolean was even able to defeat the Spaniard's loyalist governement. -
Haitian Independence
A former black slave who became a gorilla leader, Toussaint Louverture, conquers Haiti, abolishing slavery, and proclaiming himself govenor-general of an autonomous government over all Hispanola in 1801. Napolean sends troops to stop L'Overtures leadership; banishes him, ends up with his governmental program, and the French take over. In 1804, general Jaques Desssalines will proclaim the indepence of Haiti and will become the new emporer. -
Venezulean Independence
A statement adopted by congress of Veneuzulean provinces on July 5th, 1811 though which Venezuelans made the decision to split from the Spanish Crown.The declaration was mainly written my Cristobal Mendoba and Juan German Roscio. They wanted to split from the Spanish Crown because they wanted to establish a new a new nation based on the premises of equality of individuals. -
Argentina's Independence
The leaders in Argentina's Independence were Jose De San Martin,William Brown, Carlos Mania de Alvear, (the Partiot Leaders of the Argentinian Independence was Bernardo de Velasco, Pedro Antonio Olaneta,and Fransisco Javier de Elio. (the Royalists). Te 1810 May Revoultion followed the deposition of the Spanish king Ferdinand VII by the Napleonic French. On April 5th, 1815,a revoloution ended the mandate of Carlos Maria de Alvear as the supreme director. -
Brazilian Independence
The independemce of Brazil comprised a series of political events that occured in 1821-1824. Most of which involved disputes between Brazil and Portugal. Regarding the call for independence presented by the Brazilian empire. 1822 day regent Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. -
Eyptian Independence
The Egyptian Struggle for independence from 1919-1922 is considered the first nonvoilent mass protest in the modern middle east. The broad based non violent action erupted against British forces and the colonial administration of Egypt in 1919 following the exile of popular pro independence leaders. They were led by the Wafd party.