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CCOT Timeline - Political in Latin America

  • Haiti declares independence

    Haiti declares independence
    This event is a change because Haiti gained independence from the French rule. After a long rebellion striving towards independence. Haiti was finally able to declare it’s independence from the French after being under their rule since around the beginning of colonization. It fits under the political catogory because involves a change in leadership
  • Spanish-American wars of independence

    Spanish-American wars of independence
    These wars are a continuity because, like many colonies in the Americas, while the Spanish colonies yearned and fought for their independence, they had not yet achieved it at this point. Therefor, this is a continuity because the Spanish still have control over the colonies. This is in the political category because it involves war.
  • Venezuela and Paraguay declare independence from Spain.

    Venezuela and Paraguay declare independence from Spain.
    This event shows change. The declaration of independence from Spain shows change becasue Venezuela and Paraguay are no longer under the rule of Spain. This fits in political because there is a change in leadership.
  • Mexico declares Independence

    Mexico declaring their independence is a change. It is a change because Mexico is gaining independence from being previously controlled by the Spanish. Since the Spanish no longer are in control of Mexico, this provides a change in events. It fits into the political category because there is a change in leadership.
  • Brazil declares Independence

    This event is another change. Brazil declaring its independence is a change because it is no longer under the rule of the Portuguese. The declaration of independence in Brazil fits into the political category because it involves a shift in leadership.
  • Gran Colombia dissolves into separate countries

    This is a change because new countries are being formed. Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador all formed from Gran Colombia. New nations are being formed under their own rule so it is a change. This fits into the political category because there is a change in regional leadership.
  • United Provinces of Central America breaks into five republics

    This event shows change because the region is no longer the United Provinces of Central America, instead it is Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. This change is political because there is a change in regional leadership.
  • Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War shows change. It demonstrates change because Mexico is fighting the U.S. for territory in the Americas instead of fighting European nations. It is also change because Mexico lost territory due to the war. This fits into the political category because it involves war.
  • Benito Juarez leads reform in Mexico

    Benito Juarez leads reform in Mexico
    The reforms in Mexico show change. Reforms show change because they are acting to change Mexico. This is in the political category because it involves governmen
  • French intervention in Mexico

    The French intervention in Mexico is a continuity. It shows continuity because European involvement in American affairs was common. This fits into the political category because it involves war.
  • Porfirio Diaz rules Mexico

    Porfirio Diaz rules Mexico
    This event shows change. This shows change because Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada was no longer the ruler of Mexico, instead Porfirio Diaz does. This is political because it shows change in leadership.
  • Fall of Brazilian Empire & Republic is established

    This shows change because the Brazilian empire ceases to be the rule in Brazil, and instead a republic becomes the type of government. This event is political because there is a change in type of governement.