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Cassini and Huygens Mission

By 14dorin
  • Launching of Mission

    Launching of Mission
    This was when Cassini and Huygens launched into space. This was important because it was the beginning of the mission since it was launched.
  • Arriving of Saturn

    Arriving of Saturn
    Cassini landed on Saturn. This was important because it was when Cassini began it's searching and exploring.
  • Huygen's landing

    Huygen's landing
    Huygens finally landed on Titan, one of Saturn's moons, safely. This was important because it was when huygens exploring began and landing on Titans means starting to get to work.
  • Farthest by Man-Made Craft

    Farthest by Man-Made Craft
    Cassini-Huygens was the farthest a man-made craft has ever gone. This was important because
  • Saturn's New Rings

    Saturn's New Rings
    Scientists discovered that saturn made new rings and thought that it was odd but cool. This was important because Cassini was trying to explore and get new information on saturn and when they figured out that Saturn "reproduced" they accomplished their goal.
  • Hurricane on Saturn

    Hurricane on Saturn
    There was a never before seen hurrincane on saturn that spread pretty far throughout the planet. This was important because when the hurricane occurred on Saturn, scientist discovered that there could be hurricanes on planets and they got more information.
  • Huygens Pathway

    Huygens Pathway
    Scientist found the pathway of HUygens and where Huygens travelled. This was impportant because then scientist were able to know where all the information they got was from, and if they wanted to send another spacecraft or probe to do more exploring, they would know where.
  • Saturn Turns 60 Moons not Years

    Saturn Turns 60 Moons not Years
    Saturn doesn't literally turn 60, Saturn get 60 moons. This was important because it helped tell how many moons Saturn had and maybe somehow they could have found a way to see how old Saturn was.
  • Mission Accomplished

    Mission Accomplished
    The mission finished. It was a very successful mission. This was important because it was the end of the mission and scientists had a lot of information.
  • Vapour Rising from Enceladus

    Vapour Rising from Enceladus
    Vapour and ice particles were rising form Enceladus. This was important because this was something unique and different that happened on Enceladus while Cassini and Huygens wa sin action. Also this was some cool information and helpful information that scientist can use to identify Enceladus.