Canadian Explorer

  • Oct 10, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    In 1497 John Cabot sailed on a ship called "Mattew" to the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. Cabot also tried to find a pathway to Asia through the Northwest passage. He was unsuccsesfull. He died in1499
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Chartier Jacques

    Chartier Jacques
    Chartier Jacques the famous Canadian explorer lead 3 expeditions to Canadain 1534, 1535 and 1541. Cartier sailed inland going 1,000 miles up the St. Lawrence River. He also tried to settle people in Quebec in 1541 but they left because of a terrible winter
  • Jul 14, 1576

    Sir Martin Frobisher

    Sir Martin Frobisher
    Sir Martin Frobisher, a famous English explorer and navigator went to Canada in 1576 to Buffin Island that he thought had gold on it. He claimed it for England but when he got back home he found out that theshiny rock was fools gold. He died in 1594
  • Sir Humphrey Gilbert

    Sir Humphrey Gilbert
    Sir Humphrey Gilbert, a famous English navigator went to try to find the Northwest passage. He did not find the Northwest passage but he did alot of things. He died in 1583
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain a french, Canadain explorer was aiming for Asia but ran into Ottawa and made a settlement there and went down the St Lawrence River.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson, a famous English explorer and Navigator went to findthe Northwest passagebut found a bay that was named the Hudson Bay. He died in 1611
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    James Cook, famous explorer went to find a Northern sea rout in 1778. He sailed up North Amarica to be the first Euorpean to be on the Vancover Island and in British Columbia. He died in1779
  • George Vancover

    George Vancover
    George Vancover, famous English explorer and navigator. In 1792 George found a Island thatis called Vancover Island and after sailing around Vancover Island the city Vancover was made. He died in1798
  • Sir John Franklin

    Sir John Franklin
    Sir John Franklin, a famous English explorer found the northwest passage! he also surveyed a part of the northwestern canadian coast. He died in 1847