Business Management

  • Scientific Management Theory

    Scientific Management Theory
    This is a management theory that analyzes work flows to improve economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It was designed to keep managers productive and efficient
  • Command and Control style

    Command and Control style
    The management style back in the day was "command and control". They didn't show sympathy and they didn't have a bond with their employees, they just told their employees what to do and when to do it.
  • Human Relation Theory

    Human Relation Theory
    It is a lot of organizational thought which focuses on worker satisfaction, informal workplace organizations, and a means of influencing employee productivity. This is important because you need productive employees, organization, and happy employees
  • Systems Management Theory

    Systems Management Theory
    This is one of the dominant organizational theories in management today. This is designed to treat an organization as either an opened or closed system
  • Contingency Theory

    Contingency Theory
    This is based on the theory that management effectiveness is contingent, or dependent, upon the interplay between the application of management behaviors and specific situations. Meaning, you have to be able to change the way you manage depending on the circumstances
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y
    These theories bounce off of each other, theory x shows you the kind of manager you don't want to be, unsuccessful, rude, you hate your job. Then Theory Y shows you what you want to be as a manager, helpful, productive, kind, understanding, and you enjoy coming to work
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    Allowing women to have jobs for the same pay and treatment as men was a big thing because women were never allowed to work outside of their homes
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This act allows everyone to work no matter of race, color, religion, or sex.
  • Factories became a thing

    Factories became a thing
    When factories became a thing they needed managers, employees, and owners. They started them to make people money aside from just farming, the first factory was a yarn factory
  • Child Labor Act

    Child Labor Act
    This act prohibited children from working a lot of hours at a young age. This made it difficult for a lot of businesses to function because they depended on the younger generation