BSU Progress Timeline

  • Brainstorming

    This was a very important part of our project. In order to get to where we'd like to be, we took plenty of steps.
  • Importance/Difference Matrix

  • Create Timeline

  • Challenge Statement

    How will we create a BSU/ student union that'll help the HFA students come together to solve problems?
  • Empathy Affect

  • Schedule Field Learning

  • Initial Research

  • Initial Solution

  • Identify/ contact partners

    Met with Eva Diodati
  • Solution Development

    Get survey together, and send out email. Announce survey on afternoon announcements.
  • Iterate

  • Test

    Talk to Mr.O or Mrs.P about starting the BSU up next year. Try to get an event together for the 2nd week of school next year.
  • Iterate and Refine

  • Launch/ Execute