Brandon History of Science

  • The birth of Isaac Newton

    The birth of Isaac Newton
    Was born in Lincolnshire, England.
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    Newton starts College

    Newton begins his undergraduate studies at Trinity College. and recieves his bachelor's degree.
  • The first telescope

    Newton then spends most of his time at home and invents the first reflecting telescope.
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    Teaches at Trinity College

    While he teaches he writes formulas on analysis by equations with infinite numbers. and begins to lecture on the work he has done.
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    continues to improve

    During his time he continues to thrive and publishes the Landmark Philosophiae principal mathematics. and continues his three basics laws of motion and laws of universal gravitation.
  • Publishes

    Isaac then publishes Opkicks summarizing his work on light and colors.
  • Recognition

    Was received an honor from Queen Anne Knights Newton which made him the first scientist to do so.
  • Death

    Isaac Newton dies in his sleep and is buried at Westminster, Abbey.