Benito Mussolini

  • Event #1

    Benito Mussolini is born to Allesandro Mussolini and Rosa Maltoni. They are very religous. This is important because he becomes dictator of Italy.
  • Event #2

    Benito Mussolini moves to Switzerland. He is searching for a job. This is important because it marks the beginning of his career.
  • Event #3

    Lands a job at Avanti newspaper. He works as a Italian socialist. Its his best job yet and opens up his political career.
  • Event #4

    World War I starts after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed. Italy announces its neutrality in the war. It opens up the first war Mussolini has seen and starts the downfall of the Italian government.
  • Event #5

    Mussolini is kicked out of the socialists. They kick him out because of his articles supporting Italy to join the war. It starts his path towards fascism.
  • Event #6

    Italy joins the war. This is important because it moves them closer to the downfall of the government.
  • Event #7

    Mussolini is drafted to war. He takes the call and shows up to be part of the 11th Regiment. This is important because it starts him military career.
  • Event #9

    Mussolini's fascists take over. He is given the title of prime minister but declares himself dictator. This is important because he takes over the country.
  • Event #10

    Italy invades Ethiopia. Every other counrty criticizes them for doing so but Mussolini finally gets the colony he wanted. Its important because they are noticed by other countries as powerful
  • Event #11

    Italy and Germany agrree on the ''Pact of Steel'' which was an agreement to be allies. WAar was coming and Italy needed allies. This is important because is marks the alliance of the two countries.
  • Event #12

    The Germans invade Poland. This is the start of the second World War. This is important because Italy will soon be in a war
  • Event #13

    Mussolini declares war on Britain and France. This marks their entry to the war. This is important because it starts the downfall of Italy.