Ben Roth Spain Timeline

By benaay
  • Feb 3, 711

    Muslims from Africa take over Spain

    Muslims from Africa take over Spain
    Muslims took over Spain in 711 and created a very peaceful society. Over the years, the Muslim population on the Iberian Peninsula expanded to 5,000,000 people with some Jews and Christians. But eventually, more Catholics came and converted most of the country to Catholic
  • Feb 3, 1208

    Muslims founded Spain's first university

    Muslims founded Spain's first university
    The university is called Palencia. It was founded by Alfonso VIII. Saint Dominic, who founded the Dominican Order, went to Palencia.
  • Oct 5, 1469

    Ferdinand and Isabella get married

    Ferdinand and Isabella get married
    They helped expand the country of Spain by uniting other kingdoms with them. They also sent a lot of conquistadors to help conquer America. They were also the people who told Christopher Columbus he could go on his mission for Asia.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails the ocean blue

    Christopher Columbus sails the ocean blue
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus traveled from Spain to India and ended up in the Americas. He called the Native Americans "Indians" because he thought he was in India. He died still thinking he ended up in India
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas signed

    Treaty of Tordesillas signed
    This said that Spain got the west part of South America and Portugal got the east part of South America.
  • Spanish Armada tries to take over England

    Spanish Armada tries to take over England
    The Spanish Armada sent 500 ships to England. But, a bad storm came and destroyed many of those ships. Spain couldn't take over England and Spain lost a lot of sea power.
  • Don Quixote was written

    Don Quixote was written
    The author was Miguel de Cervantes.
  • Spanish-American war starts

    Spanish-American war starts
    The causes of this war were that the US supported the independence of Cuba from Spain, and Spain sank the U.S.S. Maine. The US got a lot of Spain's territory like Puerto Rico. The treaty of Paris was signed the same year in 1898.
  • King Alfonso XIII is forced to leave

    King Alfonso XIII is forced to leave
    King Alfonso XII was forced by Spain to leave after 55 years. Spain then became a republic. Some people in Spain didn't like it. This lead to the Spain Civil War.
  • Spain Civil War Starts

    Spain Civil War Starts
    This war started because people were arguing over if they should have dictatorship or not. General Franco, the leader of the nationalists, supported dictatorship. They won and Spain was under dictatorship for the next 40 years.
  • Powerful Dictator Francisco Franco Dies

    Powerful Dictator Francisco Franco Dies
    From ever since the Spanish Civil War ended in the 1940s, Spain was under dictatorship for the next 40 years. That dictator was Francisco Franco. He entered the infantry academy went he was just 14 years old.
  • Spain joined NATO

    Spain joined NATO
    NATO is a defense orginization. It is short for North Atlantic Treaty Orginization. There are 28 members and some of them are Canada, Italy, The United States, France, Greece, United Kingdom, and Portugal.
  • Toxic Spill in Spain National Park

    Toxic Spill in Spain National Park
    The cause was waste from a mineral plant owned by Canada. It had poisened about 1,000 hectares, or about 3,000 acres. Spain thought that Canada was committing a crime on nature and wanted their attorney general to take action.
  • Spain was in deadly terrorist attack

    Spain was in deadly terrorist attack
    This train bombing killed 191 people and injured about 1,800. The terrorists accused were men from northern africa. They were apparently inspired by al Queda.
  • Spain wins World Cup

    Spain wins World Cup
    Spain won the world cup against Netherlands in the final. The World Cup was held in South Africa. This was Spain's first World Cup.