Major Offense
Offenses outlined in student handbook as major offenses will be sent to the office. -
Period: to
Responses to Inappropriate Behavior
Minor offenses
Will be handled by the teacher in the classroom using the following guidelines. -
Initial Offenses
Initial offenses:
-acquisition error- reteach appropriate behavior
-fluency error- give reinforcement for using skill such as free choice time for 10 min at end of class period on the contingency that behavior was used
-maintenance error- remind class of expected behavior and use token system for class to win cookies at end of the month
-generalization error- give reminder of skill to be used at all times and give positive reinforcement and feedback for correct behavior -
Setting Events
Analyze behaviors for possible setting events at all times and create alternate routines to help to offset behavior -
Repeat offenses
Give one warning and remind student of consequences.
-State expected behavior
-State inappropriate behavior
-Give specific consequence that will occor if behavior is continued -
Offense is repeated- Consequences enforced
-time out from reinforcement- remove students from peer group by placing in a seat away from other students
-no free time at the end of the class period
-come in after school to finish assignment -
Continuance of inappropriate behavior
-note home to parents
-30 min detention before or after school
-participation in community service project such as serving in a women's shelter for a major offense (with parental permission)