The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is a document stating our independence from Britian, and from King George. It is important in our nation because if we did not seperate from Britian we would still be forced to do dumb things. It is also influential because we would not be able to do many of the things we do today if we didn't break away from Britian. -
U.S Constitution Signed
The U.S Consitution is an important document that does many things for our country. One of the things it does is create a government that puts the power in the hands of the people. It also divides the power between states. It is important and influential to our country in many ways. For example, without the Constitution power would not be spread evenly, and the U.S would be a mess. -
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Trail of Tears
The trail of tears was a part of Andrew Jackson's indian removal act. The indians were forced out of their homes. So, they all went across the country and created a trail called the trail of tears. Along this trail many many indians died. I think this was very influential on the indians. I think this because all those poor indians were forced out of their homes. Since the indians are basically starting a new life it will be very different for them. -
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California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush started in 1849. When a man first discovered gold in California the rush to become rich began. Many people from all over the U.S traveled to CA. They left everything to go find gold and become rich. This influenced people because the poor people could now become rich. This also made an impact on the U.S because there was hardly any laws in CA. Also, because the gold belonged to whoever found it. -
Lincoln's assassination
Lincoln's assassination took place in Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth while he was watching a play. This event is very important because the south lost their best friend. -
OK land rush
Many people fled to OK in 1889. The OK land rush was a result of the Homestead Act. People fled to OK to get free land. Even though they would have to improve the land. The OK land rush was influential to the U.S because it caused the population of different areas to change. -
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Ellis Island
Ellis island was an huge part of immigration to the U.S. and national growth. Immigrants had to go through Ellis Island (or San Francisco) to enter the U.S. On Ellis Island, immigrants went through inspection and the citizenship test. Ellis Island was very important to the country because it allowed immigrants to come into the U.S safely. -
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The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a huge economic slump. It started around 1929 and lasted until the early 1940s. Many people were unemployed and forty percent of the country faced hardships. Although, rich people were not affected that much, everyone else was. This event is very important and influential to America. One reason why it is important is because after the Great Depression was over people got more rights, such as women receiving the right to vote. -
Apollo 11 Landing on the Moon
Neil Armstrong was the first to step on the moon. The mission took 8 days and it is important to many people. An estimated 500 million people watched the live landing on TV. Apollo 11 is important and influential to our country for many reasons. First of all, it inspired people to dream bigger, and try new things with science. It also gave the U.S an advance as a World Leader in the cold war. Lastly, it is important to this country because it gives U.S citizens pride. -
Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
Mt. St. Helens is a volcano in Washington. It was the worst volcanic disaster in U.S history. When it erupted in 1980 it sent ash, steam and debris to a height of 60,000 feet. 57 people died from its huge eruption. Its eruption was important and influential to our country in many ways. It is important because it offered scientists a new opportunity to study volcanic eruptions. -
My Birthday
I was born at a hospital. I have 5 people in my family, as well as a dog. 2 of them are my brothers. The others are me and my parents. Today some of my intrests are running, drawing and playing soccer. -
Terrorist Attacks of America
Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers in New York City. They also attacked the Pentagon in Pittsburg, PA. It cost America trillions of dollars. It also made a negative impact on our country. Americans will never forget these attacks. This is an infuential event in our country because after it happend our country took many more saftey precautions.