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Historical Evolution of the Field
The first school museum
First School Museum opened in St. Louis -
The term "visual education" was created
Was used in the book "Visual Education" which served as a guide for learning through the use of slides and stereographs -
The first catalog of instructional films was published in the U.S
The motion picture projector was used in schools -
Thomas Edison proclaimed "Books will soon be obsolete in the schools"
Thomas Edison believed it was possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with motion picture. -
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The visual instruction movement was growing
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AudioVisual Instructional Movement
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Radio broadcasting, sound recording, and sound motion pictures era
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Visual Instruction to Audiovisual Instruction
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Formative Period: 1923-1931 -
The Great Depression Began
3 existing national professional organizations for visual instruction
According to Saettler, this is known as one of the most significant events in instructional technology evolving -
"Visualizing the Curriculum" was written
Written by Charles F. Hoban, Sr., Charles F. Hoban Jr. and Stanley B. Zissman -
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U.S. enters World War II
Visual training aids had a significant impact on training of military and civilian personnel. -
Edgar Dale created the "Cone of Experience"
Elaborated on the ideas of audiovisual media -
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The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives was written by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues
Instructional Television Period
The Federal Communications Commission set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes -
Federal government set aside 242 educational TV channels
B.F Skinner wrote "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching" which began a small education revolution
In response to Sputnik launching, the U.S put money into improving education
Robert Mager wrote "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Learning" to teach educators how to write proper objectives
Period: to
Criterion-referenced testing began
This became a model for creating media to be used in instruction -
First official definition of the field approved by overseeing professional organization
Robert Gagne published "The Conditions of Learning"
Describing 5 domains of learning outcomes
The five domains included: verbal information, intellectual skills, psycho motor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies -
The Carnegie Commission on Educational Television concluded
The systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to accomplish practical tasks
An instructional design model was adopted by U.S Military branches
The purpose was to help assist the U.S Military in training and to better the quality of the training materials -
AECT adopted a new definition of the field
The Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) adopted a new definition of the field. -
Analysis phase of the planning process grabs attention among professionals in the field
Definition statement was the first statement to mention the analysis phase of the planning process. -
Personal computers became available to the general public
Computers were being used for instructional purposes
In more than 40 percent of all elementary schools and more than 75 percent of all secondary schools computers were being used for instructional purposes. -
Impact during early implementation of visual media
During this time period, the impact of the visual instruction was limited due to teachers resisting to change, poor quality of films, and the cost of purchasing these resources. -
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Impacts in human performance improvement movement
AECT published a book containing a description of the field with a working definition
The new definition encompassed five domains: design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation -
The field of Instructional Technology is an area of research and study
Statement describes the field in terms of theory and practice, emphasizing the notion that the field of instructional technology is not only an area of practice but also an area of research and study. -
AECT definition does not describe the field as process oriented
Approximately 10 percent of students enrolled in institutions of higher learning were enrolled in online classes
13 percent of business training occurred online
AECT published a book with a more current working definition
New definition included the words ethical and facilitate in regard to learning. Including these words helped give more creativity to the field, as well as interpretation. -
About 9 percent of middle school students and 10 percent of high school students were taking at least one online course
About 19 percent of middle school students and 30 percent of high school students were taking at least one online course
32 percent of student enrolled in institutions of higher learning were taking online courses.
41 percent of business training occurred online
A survey showed that 64 percent of college students used smartphones for their schoolwork at least two to three times a week