Question 1
According to Peregoy and Boyle (2013), direct and contrete experiences facilitate learning for all of us, but are ESSENTIAL for English learners (p.387). Thus prior to reading, it is important to give the students prepare the students for the reading by showing them pictures, videos, or realia that integrate the essential History vocabulary. After this, it would be beneficial to do a walkthrough of the target text and discuss how the text may relate to the video, pictures and realia they saw. -
Period: to
PreReading and During Reading
Question 2
Annotation works well as a prereading, during reading, and post strategy. It can be coupled with other strategies such as text scanning, Think Alouds, summarizing, title and subheading analysis. There are also other effective strategies such as Frayer's Model, picture vocabulary, experiments, critical thinking questions, and graphic organizers to name a few. -
Question 3
According to Peregoy and Boyle (2013), DR-TA is an effective strategy to teach students to be effective questioners (p.394). Being a model, the teacher shows the students how to create prediction style questions using heading and subheading. Then the students practice. This gives the students appropriate ways to approach the purpose of the text through questioning. -
Question 4
First, we can build their confidence by giving them tasks and texts that are appropriate to their level. Once they are proficient with texts on their level, we can challenge the students by using texts that are one step above their WIDA level. To prepare them for this challenge, we can model appropriate questioning and approaches towards the text. They can also work in groups to assist each other in comprehension. -
Question 5
A major purpose of interactive workshop is to get the students to create a mental picture of the text they are reading. Rick's workshop demonstrated this technique by getting students to make mental pictures prior to reading. This gave students an approach and purpose towards the text. With scientific texts, I try and get the students to also create a mental image of the text by doing pre reading scans and making predictions based on the images, title, and subheadings.