Muhammed is born in Mecca
Dec 7, 622
Muhammed's wife dies and he must leave Mecca
Dec 7, 630
Muhammed goes back to Mecca with army and gains city
Dec 7, 632
Muhammed dies
Jan 1, 661
Muhammed's cousin/son in law: Ali is murdered
Jan 1, 732
Muslim Arabs conquer empire that spans from the Indus River to the Atlantic Ocean
Jan 1, 750
Shiites overthrow Umayyads
Dec 7, 1000
Nomads overrun middle east
Dec 7, 1055
Seljuks (Turkish speaking) take Baghdad but let leader stay in power
Dec 7, 1095
Pope calls for Crusade against muslim
Crusade= Holy War -
Dec 7, 1187
Muslim General drives crusaders out of Jerusalem
Dec 7, 1200
Mongols sweep across Russia and Middle East
Dec 7, 1258
Hulagu (Mongol) Captures Baghdad
Dec 7, 1300
Ottomans emerge out of Anatolia
Dec 7, 1453
Ottomans capture Christian Constaninople
Al-Mamun sets up House of Wisdom in Baghdad
Arab Empire is nowmany kingdoms