The Anti-Apartheid movement

  • Nelson Mandala

    Nelson was born in a thembo tribe. His father was a thembo chief.
  • Ran Away

    Ran away because of marrige.
  • N.M joined the ANC

     N.M joined the ANC
  • Period: to

    Start of Apartheid to End of Apartheid

    Apartheid started at 1948-1994.
  • Apartheid and ANC Rise!!

    Apartheid law was passed in south africa in 1948 because the ANC had gained power.
  • Protest Plan

    Protest Plan
    ingnoring the sign 'white only'
  • Passbook Riot

    Passbook Riot
    Prtested for carrying passbooks. In Sharperville a massecre happened when 69 people were killed and 400 inquired. So they created a army. (ANC)
  • Sharpeville Msssacre

    Sharpeville Msssacre
    69 people killed 40 people hurt. Everybodies shocked.
  • Jailed

    N.Mandala was caught and arrested and jailed him for five years in prison.
  • Sentenced to life Jail

    planning to overthrough the goverment so sentenced to life jail. Because NM and the ANC was planning to overthrough goverment (sabotage)
  • Period: to

    Forming Release Mandela Because Went To Jail

    thousand of people forming 'Release Mandela' and governor has pressure and talks to Mandela.
  • Released

    releaed from prison
  • Vote

    Can vote for the first time for the goverment.