
  • Apartheid put into action by Nation Party

    After the National Party won the election, they implemented many segregation policies called Apartheid.
  • Mixed Marriages act

    This act prohibited mixed marriages or relationships between white people and other race groups as apart of Apartheid laws.
  • Population Registration Act

    Population Registration Act
    The population act made it so South African citizens were classified by race and it determined many aspects such as where they could live and work.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Sharpeville Massacre
    During a demonstration for the abolition of pass laws, police shot at black demonstrators.
  • Rivonia Trial

    Rivonia Trial
    12 names who fought against apartheid went on trial for life sentences.
  • Prime Minister Hendrick Verwood is assassinated

    Working as a parliamentary messenger, Tsafendas stabbed Hendrick Verwood, the man who is widely considered the creator of Apartheid.
  • Bantu Homeland Citizenship act

    This act defined black South Africans as legal citizens of the homelands assigned to them based on their ethnic group.
  • Township Uprising

    Township Uprising
    The township uprising took place in Soweto. It was a protest including thousands of citizens where the government responded with tear gas and bullets and it brought forth protests across the country.
  • Nelson Mandela Released from Prision

    Nelson Mandela Released from Prision
    Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years of his life sentence.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president

    Nelson Mandela was elected and served one term as South Africa's first black president.