Apartheid put into action by Nation Party
After the National Party won the election, they implemented many segregation policies called Apartheid. -
Mixed Marriages act
This act prohibited mixed marriages or relationships between white people and other race groups as apart of Apartheid laws. -
Population Registration Act
The population act made it so South African citizens were classified by race and it determined many aspects such as where they could live and work. -
Sharpeville Massacre
During a demonstration for the abolition of pass laws, police shot at black demonstrators. -
Rivonia Trial
12 names who fought against apartheid went on trial for life sentences. -
Prime Minister Hendrick Verwood is assassinated
Working as a parliamentary messenger, Tsafendas stabbed Hendrick Verwood, the man who is widely considered the creator of Apartheid. -
Bantu Homeland Citizenship act
This act defined black South Africans as legal citizens of the homelands assigned to them based on their ethnic group. -
Township Uprising
The township uprising took place in Soweto. It was a protest including thousands of citizens where the government responded with tear gas and bullets and it brought forth protests across the country. -
Nelson Mandela Released from Prision
Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years of his life sentence. -
Nelson Mandela becomes president
Nelson Mandela was elected and served one term as South Africa's first black president.