

  • Period: 1450 to


  • 1453

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    1) A great increase in the production of books, following with a cheaper value of books which meant they were more affordable to people.
    2) A change from a Medieval characterised culture to a more modern based one with more and more people being informed more frequently.
    3) Challenged the Church and its pillars of belief along with its authority as ideas were becoming available more readily and faster than ever and since there were so many publications it was hard to censor them all.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks
    1) The Black Sea trade fell as the Ottomans now took over and created a monopoly for trade as they now had this power and control over this land.
    2) Greek Christian who previously lived in Constantinople fled to Italy and elsewhere bringing with them ideas and traditions.
    3) The church Hagia Sophia was converted into a Mosque which impacted Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire as a whole.
  • 1492

    1st Voyage of Columbus

    1st Voyage of Columbus
    1) The possibility and opportunity for new and future voyages with the discovery of new land and passage route.
    2) Exchange of goods and items between the Old World and the New World such as animals, crops, clothing, and simply basic items.
    3) The soon to follow conquest and plundering of empires. Taking gold, riches and whatever was of value and bringing it back to the New World at the expense of slavery and killings of the native americans.
  • 1499

    Most Important Event of the 15th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 15th Century*
    Although it was late, 8 years before the century ended, the voyages of Christopher Columbus and more specifically his first voyage is the most influential, revolutionary, and overall important event of this century. Simply because this voyage opened the door for more future voyages and because his discovery would open Europe's eyes to new land, new continents and a new world that would socially and economically alter their future on a very large scale.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses
    1) It went against and ultimately challenged he dominant Catholic church stating that indulgences were wrong and you didn't have to buy your way into heaven.
    2) Martin Luther was condemned an outlaw in 1521 at the Diet of Worms and as a result had to go into hiding at the Wartburg Castle.
    3) Pope Leo X issued the Exsurge Domine, a papal bull whose purpose was to stop the spread of Martin Luther's ideas by burning his book. It wasn't enough however and the Protestant religion was born.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy (England)

    Act of Supremacy (England)
    1) The most important and immediate declaration this act did was establish the Church of England with Henry 8th as its head, it cut off church ties with Rome.
    2) With Henry 8th as the churches only power he was able to obtain all its power and wealth, this he later used to fight wars against France for the land on Normandy.
    3) This act also spurred conflict and divided many people, as it was now treason to follow the Pope and Catholicism as well and was punishable to even death.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    1) With the creation of the Peace of Augsburg came some sort of stability among Protestants and Catholics as well, no longer was so much conflict and violence seen.
    2) Migration of many people was also an effect of this peace treaty, because Princes were now able to choose the religion if its subjects many people had to flee to areas that legalized what they believed in.
    3) Overall the treaty comforted and made many people happy, they were now able to legally practice their belief pillars.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    1) The Edict of Nantes in essence oped the door to education and rights to Huguenots, it allowed the French Calvinist, the minority to legally practice what they believed in through many parts of the kingdom.
    2) With the Edict of Nantes, Henry IV also converted himself Huguenot to a Roman Catholic which was able to bring the Wars of Religion to an end, peace and stability as well
    3) Catholicism worries were also addressed, the Catholic belief was reaffirmed, under "one law, one king, one faith"
  • Most Important Event of the 16th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 16th Century*
    When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis he gave way and simply created the event that would have the all of Europe centralized around for a century. The 95 Thesis paved the way for a new religion to be brought to life. Protestantism questioned/challenged the dominant Catholic church. As a result, conflict, violence, wars and much more erupted across Europe for years. Effecting everybody and everything, Martin Luthers 95 Thesis not only brought new hopes and beliefs but also new challenges.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    1) The Peace of Westphalia brought an end to Spain-Netherlands 80 years war and the Germans 30 years war and as a result brought some short term stability to these nations.
    2) Territorial arrangements was a huge part of the peace treaty, many nations received territory that would go on to benefit them such as new ports for trade and such.
    3) Reaffirmation of religious toleration was also granted, Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism were all legalized as was migration of minorities.
  • End of English Civil War

    End of English Civil War
    1) As a result of the English Civil War nearly 200,000 people lost their lives, making it one of the bloodiest and costliest wars of England.
    2) As a result of the English Civil War Charles I was executed and his son was sent to exile to France, the Parliament and later Oliver Cromwell and his Commonwealth took over England for some time.
    3) In general the war created turmoil and split the nation up, a battle for power between the monarchy and parliament cause death damage and a torn up England.
  • Beheading of Charles I

    Beheading of Charles I
    1) After his execution the monarchy was dissolved for some time, replaced with the republic, Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell.
    2) WIth Oliver Cromwell in charge England perued this sort of foreign attempt to stop Catholicism spread to the new world and rather spread English Protest which caused conflict with Spain and others.
    3) Charles I being beheaded for treason diminished the idea of an all powerful and unquestionable monarch, it wasn't until 1660 when Charles II restored it.
  • Ottoman Siege of Vienna

    Ottoman Siege of Vienna
    1) A failure for the Ottomans, Christian forces were able to save the city, as a result the decline in power influence and domination of the Ottomans started after their first blow here.
    2) After the victory, the Catholics they continued to chase the fleeing Ottomans and defeated them again clearing Hungary of Ottomans, a representation that the Turks couldn't take over Europe.
    3) The Siege also showed integration and cooperation of not only Vienna but the European Catholic kingdom as a whole.
  • English Glorious Revolution

    English Glorious Revolution
    1) The Glorious Revolution overthrew James II, Mary II and William of Orange replaced him. England would now be governed differently. Parliament was now more powerful than the monarchy.
    2) The Bill of Rights of 1689 enforced this, giving in essence basic civil right and clarifying who would take the crown next.
    3) The Glorious Revolution was the event that ended absolute monarchy and instead started a democratic like way of governing with elections and civil freedoms. Little blood was shed too
  • Most Important Event of the 17th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 17th Century*
    Although it did occur later into the century with only a decade remaining the English Glorious Revolution effected England significantly and it set in place a new way of governing, making it the most important event of the century. By granting Parliament more power than the monarchy new common civil rights were granted. Elections and freedom of speech were implemented. England would be one of the first to start a democratic based governing which would go on to influence all of Europe later on.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Peace of Utrecht
    1) Most importantly the Spanish Wars of Succession ended, ultimately benefiting Britain by ensuring them that Spain and France would never be united, something Britain feared.
    2) The peace also made territorial adjustments. Borders in Europe changed slightly which brought some short term peace/stability.
    3) The Peace of Utrecht also affected lands outside of Europe. Britain gained power and France declined. Britain culture spread, natives lands changed owners and African slavery continued.
  • Frederick II "The Great" becomes king of Prussia (Enlightenment)

    Frederick II "The Great" becomes king of Prussia (Enlightenment)
    1) Frederick the Great of Prussia was an enlightened monarch who was able to change Prussia in many ways.To start off Frederick was military experienced and was able to expand Russia's borders.
    2) Frederick was able to create a vast and mighty military that set Prussia asa powerhouse who could ultimately challenge any other nation.
    3) Being an enlightened monarch, Frederick was also able to socially and culturally shift Prussia to an enlightened based nation although he was in fact conservative.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    1) The Treaty of Paris of 1763 was a result of the Seven Years War, it stated that all land east of the Mississippi was now Britains, in general Britain was able to obtain most of North America.
    2) Besides Britain obtaining much of the North America, the war cost them heavily and it only deepened them more in debt.This resulted in colonial discontent.
    3) Conflict between France and Britain lef native tribes to choose a side and fight alongside them, leading to some casualties.
  • First Industrial Revolution

     First Industrial Revolution
    1) One of the most important immediate effects of the industrial revolution was urbanization, the expanding of cities and more people moving into them.
    2) As more and more industrial factories were created, since they of course beneficial and produced a lot, a need for vast raw resources was also created.
    3) There was also a negative side to the Industrial Revolution. Child labour, extremely long and unhealthy working shifts/conditions, especially for women, and unfair wages are some examples.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    1) The French Revolution cause the death of many aristocrats at the guillotine, including Robespierre. It caused separation throughout all of Europe as well as casualties, damage, and chaos.
    2) The fight for power between the Jacobins and the Girondins, as a result the Jacobins seized power and unleashed the Reign of Terror.
    3) The main result of the Revolution was the introduction of democratic ideals into the French nation, it strengthened the middle class. Napoleon obtained power in 1799.
  • Most Important Event of the 18th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 18th Century*
    Although the 1st Industrial Revolution created many negative outcomes such as hard working conditions it also had its benefits
    that make it the most influential, revolutionary and important event of the 18th century. Because of the introduction to new machinery such as trains is that transportation of materials became much easier. Factories were able to produce so much more. Urbanization became a plus to nations as well. Europe was economically, politically and socially changed dramatically.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    1) Kings, landed aristocrats, and bureaucratic elites regained their control over domestic governments conservative forces continued to crush down on revolutions (principle of legitimacy).
    2) New territorial rearrangements, all in attempts to create a new balance of power, this in fact did function as Europe was at peace for a century.
    3) The Congress of Vienna however was not able to stop the growing ideologies of change such as liberalism that the French Rev and Industrial Rev brought.
  • Revolutions in Prussia, France, Hungary. Austria

    Revolutions in Prussia, France, Hungary. Austria
    1) Disagreement about what to do after getting rid of the old governments resulted in lack of organization which made it impossible to continue resisting the monarchy.
    2) These revolutions caused yet another French revolution which resulted in a provisional government which introduced workshops as well as extended suffrage in France
    3) The creation of the Frankfurt Assembly in Germany which caused the conflict of Big Germany vs Small Germany and resulted in a failure of creating a liberal state.
  • The Communist Manifesto publication

    The Communist Manifesto publication
    1) A rise in the proletariat class, the industrial working people stood up to the dominant bourgeois society in attempt to pursue some sort of classless struggle.
    2) The creation of the International Working Men's Association which served as an "umbrella" organization for the working classes interests. Marx played the leading role, it failed however and collapsed in 1872.
    3) The worry and need for the bourgeoisie class to shut down and prevent any sort of spread about this occured in 1848.
  • *Most Important and Significant Event in European History*

    *Most Important and Significant Event in European History*
    The publication of the Communist Manifesto played had perhaps the most influential and most importance in all of European history events because of the long term. Marx is where Communism originates from, its because of his pillars of belief that socialism spread throughout the continent. As a result caused the creation of the USSR and the Cold War, and a dramatic change in people lives, communist or not, for more than a century. It affected Europe in so many aspects both for the good and bad.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    1) New electrical and chemical factories and industries were created, this new technology went on to help create Germany one of the most prospering and wealthy nations.
    2) Prussia was the leading force behind German unification, under Otto von Bismarck Germany was able to win a war against France and became the most powerful nation on the continent.
    3) Aggressive nationalism throughout the nation and the practice and implementation of realpolitik into the German nation by Otto von Bismarck.
  • Congress of Berlin (Imperialism)

    Congress of Berlin (Imperialism)
    1) A lessen in the competition for the "Scramble of Africa", territorial adjustments for the continent had been made and each nation had to notify one another which lowered the intensity of it.
    2) The use of slave labor on the African continent became illegal and nation were suppose to neither do it and stop it if seen. This was a positive for the native Africans.
    3) Europe followed a belief known as of White Man Burden and in many ways was an excuse for taking over Africa.
  • Most Important Event of the 19th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 19th Century*
    Imperialism was able to create a dramatic change throughout all of Europe economically, politically, and socially. For a long time Europeans followed the policy of extending their nations power to other lands in order to be more powerful and strengthen themselves. Happening mostly in Africa, Europeans tore apart the African continent and everything it had to hold. Although it did benefit them economically they tore apart a whole continent as a result, which affected the native people. Influence.
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    1) The introduction and usage of the machine gun and chemical bombs caused a vast number of deaths and injuries, trench warfare was also very tedious for the soldiers and war.
    2) The creation of the triple entente which consisted of France, Uk, and Russia and also the triple Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
    3) Men leaving off to defend and fight for their nations meant that women had to go into the workforce to fill in for the numbers that had left, this led to some opportunity for them.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    1) The March Revolution of 1917 was a series of strikes that broke out around the city of Petrograd, now Petersburg, in which working women protested for "peace and bread".
    2) The rise and growth of the Bolshevik under Lenin and Trotsky, which was dedicated to forming a violent revolution that would get rid of the capitalist system. Vanguard will accomplish task.
    3) The Russian Civil war broke out in 1918 and through 1921 as the White army tried to gain power over the Red Bolsheviks, but failed.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    1) The Treaty of Versailles imposed War Guilt Cause upon Germany which claimed that they were responsible for all the damage and would have to pay for all it.
    2) Germany viewed the treaty as harsh and unfair as well. Germany was forced to reduce its army to 100,000 men, cut back on its navy, eliminate air force, and also reduction of land/territory.
    3) The League of Nations was created in attempts to stop conflict and war before it started. It was an organization for international cooperation.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    1) The Credit-Anstalt, Viennas most prestigious bank collapsed in 1931, a series of many other international banks also had many failures.
    2) The Great Depression was responsible for creating hugh unemployment, throughout all of Europe and the US people were in search of job opportunities that were simply not available.
    3) The Great Depression also created social problems, since young males were unemployed it led to them joining gangs which would arouse fear throughout communities and areas.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
    1) Quickly after Hitler's absolute rise in power came the enforcement of Gleichschaltung, which took coordination of all institutions under Nazi control.
    2) One of Hitler's first and most important goals was to create a total state, in order to accomplish that he held mass demonstrations and parades in order to unify the German people.
    3) The creation of the SS (protection squads) was responsible for spreading fear throughout the nation. They were also responsible for the killing of mass Jews.
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    1) Destruction is estimated at 4 trillion dollar, around 61 million deaths and 30 million displaced people, not to mention the starvation and harsh scenery of war that the people saw and experienced.
    2) The Yalta conference was held on what lay ahead for a war torn Europe. In reality all they could agree upon was deNazification
    3) The creation of the United Nations, to maintain international peace and security.
    4) Decolonization was very important as well, Europe no longer held onto its colonies
  • Hungary uprising against USSR

    Hungary uprising against USSR
    1) Three days after Nagy declared Austria a free nation and separate from Soviet socialism, Khrushchev and the Red Army invaded the city of Budapest and crushed the Hungarian revolt.
    2) Janos Kadar replaced Nagy as the new Hungarian head, he worked with the Soviets to crush the revolt but still saved many of Nagys economic reforms.
    3) This revolt discouraged any other upheavals throughout Eastern Europe, it would take another 3 decades to break out of Soviet socialism control.
  • Prague Spring and Student Riots of 1968

    Prague Spring and Student Riots of 1968
    1) Students started protesting at universities, and this became widespread, workers and radicals joined them, streets and barricades were put up, the chaos throughout Paros was short lived however.
    2) The period of "euphoria" that Czechoslovakia was experiencing was short lived because the Red Army invaded in 1968 and completely crushed the reform movement.
    3) Gustav Husak replaced Dubcek, he was a committed non reformist and so he abolished the reforms and established the old order once again.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    1) HUndreds of hundreds of Germans warmed through the walls, they tore it down with sledgehammers, it was a symbol that the Cold War was coming to an end.
    2) New political parties emerged in East Germany, with free election the Christian Democrats won over 50% of the vote.
    3) The Christian Democrats supported rapid movements of reunification and in 1990 political reunification of Germany was complete. The unification of a single German nation had both its positives and its negatives.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    1) The Maastricht Treaty was a proposal for a monetary union, it went away with the European Community and created the EU, European Union.
    2) This was followed by the introduction of a common currency which is known as the euro. It was adopted by 12 nations at first but is now the 2nd world largest reserve currency.
    3) Thanks to the Maastricht Treaty the EU was formed. The EU has brought economic political and growth/stability into Europe, it really has united the European continent as a whole.
  • Most Important Event of the 20th Century*

    Most Important Event of the 20th Century*
    The 20th century held some of the most important events in history, fulfilled with many challenges which were followed by new hopes. The most important event of this diverse and intense century was the election of Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor. Because as a result the Nazi regime came into power. This was followed by reason ww2 started. Hitler is responsible for genocide, the mass killing of Jews. Hitler also created the Axis Powers and ignited the world into yet another devastating war.