AP Euro The Great Timeline By:Jules Thornton

By jt5691
  • 1453

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    People became more literate.
    Spread religion.
    Spread important information quickly to the people so they would know what was going on. I think the the printing press was the most important event from it's century because it helped citizens of Europe upgrade their social classes by making everyone truly more literate.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Kept Germany and Italy from becoming unified. Eastern Europe became fearful of the Ottoman Turks. Ended the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1492

    1st Voyage of Columbus

    1st Voyage of Columbus
    Discovered a new frontier, America. Encouraged other explorers to find new lands.Found out that most of South America was on the Spanish sphere.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    Spread lutheranism.
    People started questioning Christianity.
    Welfare and public education created for the poor. I think Luther's 95 Theses was the most important event of it's century because it made people think harder and question their religion and people could finally have a chance to think for themselves more.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy (England)

    Act of Supremacy (England)
    Completed the the break of the Church of England with Rome. The English Monarch now controlled the Church. It was now a treason to support the Pope over the Church.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Let the German rulers choose the religion of their people, but didn’t let the subjects choose their religion. Lutheranism was now equal with Catholicism. Gave an end to religious warfare.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    Catholicism ,Lutheranism, and Calvinism legalized.
    Guaranteed the independence of the kingdoms in the Holy Roman Empire.
    Free trade on land and water in the Holy Roman Empire. I think the Peace of Westphalia was the most important event of it's century because it gave more religious freedom and more freedom in general which i think the people benefitted from greatly.
  • Ottoman Siege of Vienna

    Ottoman Siege of Vienna
    Europe was now free from Ottoman Turk invasions. Christianity was now the main religion. Turkish army suffered heavily.
  • English Glorious Revolution

    English Glorious Revolution
    The Bill of Rights was now formed. England was now a constitutional monarchy. Parliament was now in more power.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Peace of Utrecht
    Made it to where France and Spain were to be seperated. Ended the wars of Louis XIV. Brandenburg-Prussia gained territories.
  • Enlightenment

    Eliminated the use of torture except in treason and murder cases.
    Granted limited freedom of speech and press.
    Prussian society more aristocratic. I think the Enlightenment was the most important event of it's century because it granted more freedom to the people and made Europe more peaceful because there was less killing in inhumane ways.
  • Most Significant Event in European History

    I think that the Enlightenment is the most important date in European history because it was a major turning point in history because it gave so much freedom. Also the Enlightenment helped influence so many people intellectually. I think that these factors help society and the social status of every class.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The "old regime" was gone and a new order took place to where there were now individual rights, representative institutions, and loyalty to the nation. Created new liberal and national political ideas. The Tennis Court Oath, the Third Estate meet until they got a new constitution.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Created German Confederation.
    Created Balance of Power. French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars put aside to assure peace.
  • Revolutions in France, Prussia, Austria, Hungary

    Revolutions in France, Prussia, Austria, Hungary
    Socialist workshops were created. Nationalism was now powerful. Polish in Russia were freed to have an opportunity at getting a self-government.
  • Publication of The Communist Manifesto

    Publication of The Communist Manifesto
    Revolts started in the working classes for equality. Started ideas of revolutionary socialism. Promoted Marxism to the people. I think that the publication of The Communist Manifesto was the most important event in it's century because it ensured a thought of a classless society which I think everybody would have benefitted from because there would be no more worries about power.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    France gave up Alsace Lorraine to Germany. Prussia's power was now expanded. Austria declared war on Prussia.
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    Trench warfare became popular, which lead to many deaths. Many felt a feeling of nationalism because they were told the soldiers were going to be back before Christmas. Uplifting propaganda became popular.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The March Revolution happened were women and workers marched the streets. The beginning of Marxist Socialism. Russia was now ruled by only one ruler.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Made Hitler look better to the German people. German army was now reduced. Germany's borders were brought back from before World War 1.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    High rates of unemployment.
    Fear aroused by new forming gangs.
    More government activity in the economy.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Concentration camps were formed to execute the Jews. Created a policy to institute terror. The holocaust, which killed many jewish people in awful ways such as gassing.
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    The Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War which continued conflict between US and Soviet Union. United States was now the only one country with a strong economy. When soldiers returned many were replaced and now homeless.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    Protests started in other countries. Ended Communism in Eastern countries. Created more political freedom in the East. I think that the fall of the Berlin Wall is the most important event from it's century because it ensured freedom in Germany and made people come together more, than having to be seperated.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    Created the European Union officially. Created a common currency.
    Provided foreign aid to nations that needed it the most.