Ancient Chinese Discoveries and Inventions

By luib013
  • 2700 BCE

    Tea (Industry)

    Tea (Industry)
    The ancient Chinese have records of drinking tea before 2700 BC. However, by the 8th century A.D., tea had become a very popular everyday beverage throughout China. Tea houses had become more popular throughout the country. A famous writer, Lu Yu, wrote a book, Cha Jing (Tea Classic), describing how to
    cultivate, prepare, and drink tea. This is important to China's history and it is a very popular drink today.
  • 300 BCE

    The Compass (Invention)

    The Compass (Invention)
    The Chinese developed the first
    compass as early as the 3rd century B.C. The first
    Chinese compasses were pieces of lodestone. This is an important invention because it helps people navigate today.
  • 100

    Paper (Industry)

    Paper (Industry)
    The Chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century A.D. The earliest Chinese paper was
    probably made from hemp, bark, and rags. This is an important industrial invention because we use paper to print.
  • 600

    Printing (Industry)

    Printing (Industry)
    The invention of paper made another key
    development possible: printing. In about the 7th century,
    the Chinese invented a technique called woodblock
    printing. The printer first drew characters on
    paper and then glued the paper to a wood block. When
    the glue was dry, the printer carved out the wood around
    the characters, leaving the characters raised on the wood. This is important because offices use printers everyday and they can print worksheets in school.
  • 700

    The Mechanical Clock (Everyday Objects)

    The Mechanical Clock (Everyday Objects)
    The Chinese developed the first mechanical clock in around the 8th
    century. New clocks were more accurate than earlier time devices, like sundials and hourglasses. The
    Chinese thought up a wheel that made one complete turn every 24 hours. Dripping water made the wheel turn. Every
    quarter hour, drums would beat; and every hour, a bell would ring. The sounds let people know what time it was. This is important because everyone uses clocks to tell time.
  • 750

    Paper Money (Everyday Objects)

    Paper Money (Everyday Objects)
    Paper money was invented by the Chinese in the late 8th or early 9th century. Before that time, coins were the only
    form of money. Like game cards, paper money was printed with wood blocks and on thicker paper. By 1107, Song printers were using
    multiple wood blocks to print each bill. A single bill would have many colors. Paper currency is the most common
    form of money in the world today. This is an important invention because most people use some type of paper money.
  • 800

    Game Cards (Everyday Objects)

    Game Cards (Everyday Objects)
    Game cards were created in China in about the 9th century. Printers used
    woodblock printing to make the cards from thicker paper. Famous artists drew the designs that appeared on the backs
    of the cards. Europeans were introduced to card games by the late 1300s. Today, card games are played throughout
    the world and are used for gambling. This is important because people like to play cards and have fun.
  • 850

    China Gunpowder (Military Technology)

    China Gunpowder (Military Technology)
    Chinese alchemists experimented with a mineral called saltpeter. They may have believed that saltpeter could create immortality. Perhaps by accident, they discovered that it could be used to make an explosive gunpowder. In 850 A.D., during the
    Tang dynasty, alchemists wrote down a formula for gunpowder. This was an important substance that helped the U.S win wars.
  • 1200

    War Tools (Military Technology)

    War Tools (Military Technology)
    In the 13th century, the Chinese used bombs that were as explosive as modern bombs. Around the same time,
    they developed weapons like the cannon. This is important because we used cannons to win wars.
  • 1300

    Rocket Technology (Military Technology)

    Rocket Technology  (Military Technology)
    Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song dynasty. Rockets were powered by
    a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were used only in fireworks. Later, the
    Chinese used them as weapons. They even developed a two-stage rocket for their armies. The first stage shot the
    rocket through the air. The second stage dropped arrows down on China's enemies. This is important because it later led to missiles helping the U.S to win wars.