The U.S Population
The U.S Population is 5.3 Million. -
Period: to
Political And Social Events
President Thomas Jefferson
President Thomas Jefferson Negotiates Louisiana Purchase From France, More Than Doubling U.S Territory. -
Miguel Hidalgo And Costilla
Miguel Hidalgo And Costilla Launches The Mexican War Of Independence From Spain. -
The War
In War Of 1812, British Burn Much Of Washington D.C. Francs Scott Key Commemorating The War Of 1812 Writes "The Star-Spangled Banner" -
Napoleon The First Of France Is Defeated At Waterloo And Subsequently Exiled. -
Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar South American Independence Leader Becomes Gran Colombia's First President. -
Missouri Is Admitted As A Slave State, Maine As a Free State, In Missouri Compromise -
Liberia Was Founded On West Coast Of Africa As A Settlement For Freed U.S Slaves. -
Peru Assures Its Independence By Defeating Spain At Ayacucho. -
Erie Canal
Erie Canal Is Opened Connecting Great Lakes And Atlantic Ocean.