American History Timeline

  • the French and Indian war

    This war provided Britain enormous territorial gains in North America .
  • battles of Lexington and Concord

    The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the revolutionary war. This is important because it was the beginning of od the revolutionary war.
  • the stamp act

    when the British taxed the colonist on stamps. I chose this event because it was a good beginning for my timeline. this event is important because it was one of the many reasons that the colonist wanted independence from Britain
  • boston massacre

    The boston massacre was a deadly riot. It was a street brawl between American colonist and British soldiers. This brawl escalated very quickly to a bloody slaughter.
  • the boston tea party

    it was an incident in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British were thrown from ships into the Boston harbor by American patriots. Americans were protesting the tax on tea this is an important event because this showed the colonists taking charge
  • bunker & breeds hill

    the battles of bunker and breeds hill take place in Boston. the British win the struggles but suffer heavy losses. this was also when george Washington is appointed commander and cheof of the continental forces
  • declaration of independence

    the continental congress approves the final version of the declaration of independence. this is important because it helped us declare independence from Britain.
  • worst american defeat

    the worst American of the revolutionary war occurs as the British capture Charleston this is important because we lost hope and wasn't sure if it was going to take a toll on us during the war
  • The treaty of Paris

    the treaty of airs is singed. britan recognizes America as an independent nation. this is important because were became our own nation
  • shays rebellion

    was a protest by farmers against the debt and tax collection of the state government some farmers had to foreclose and some even got imprisonment
  • constitution

    The constitutional convention was where the signing of the constitution was signed. This was important because it set the laws for our country.
  • anti slavery

    benjamin franklin send in what and anti-slavery petition to congress on behalf of the quackers asking for the abolishment slavery
  • Benjamin Franklin dies

    Ben franklin dies of Pleurisy this is important because he was a founding father
  • first successful steam boat

    robert Fulton built the first successful steamboat. this s important because it helped us travel for trade faster
  • peace treaty

    British and Americans agreed to stop fighting and sign a peace treaty. This is important because if we stayed fighting there could have been more damage doe and more money lost.
  • The Flag

    The flag is officially adopted by the United States. This is important because we found something to symbolize our country.
  • free soil party

    Northern opponents formed a party called free soil party. this was important because they didn't want slavery to migrate into the western territories.
  • african american citizenship

    The supreme court denies citizenship to African American citizenship. this is not right at all. Everyone has their natural rights.
  • Abe Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln was assigned by a well-known stage actor. This is important because we lost an important president.
  • Emile Berliners invents the microphone

    Emile Berliners create the microphone. this leads to many inventions. this is important because it helps lead to the telephone and the radio