American History Timeline 1754-1877

  • The French & Indian war

    The French & Indian war
    Who- France & Britain colonists & Indian allies
    What-The French & Indian War, was fought to decide if Britain or France would be the strong power in North America.
    When- Jan 1, 1754
    Where- North America
    Why- I chose this event because it changed who had power in North America forever.
    How- This event is important because it gave the British a lots of war debt that will raise taxes.
  • Period: to

    American History Timeline 1754-1877

    20 major historical events in American history.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Who- Patriots & British soldiers
    What- The Boston Massacre, was when British troops murdered 5 colonists.
    When- March 5, 1770
    Where- Boston
    Why- I chose this event because it change the world in huge ways because of its result.
    How- This event is important because it started the Revolutionary war.
  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party
    Who- American colonists and Great Britain
    What- The Boston tea party, a political protest against the British.
    When- December 16, 1773
    Where- Boston Harbor, Boston, MA
    Why- I chose this event because Americans showed they weren’t going to put up with the actions the British were taking.
    How- This event is important because it was one of the first and biggest protests against the British.
  • Deceleration of Independence

    Deceleration of Independence
    Who- There were 56 signers of this document such as John Hancock’s, John Adams, & Thomas Jefferson
    What- The declaration of independence was an official act taken by the 13 colonies in declaring independence from Great Britain.
    When- July 4, 1776
    Where- Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA
    Why- It expresses the natural rights that we all have today.
    How- Provided us with natural rights & consent of the governed. It created the strongest nation that stands today
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Who- John Dickinson wrote the Articles of Confederation
    What- Articles of Confederation, the original constitution of the U.S.
    When- November 15, 1777
    Where- National Archives
    Why- I chose this event because our world would not be the same today without it.
    How- This event is important because it was an agreement among the 13 colonies to fight the Revolution & establish some limited federal power.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Who- Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, and Great Britain
    What- Treaty of Paris, a peace treaty that formally recognized American Independence.
    When- September 3, 1784
    Where- Paris, France
    Why- I chose this event because this event formally ended the war.
    How- This event put an official end to Revolutionary War.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Shay's rebellion
    Who- A group of protestors, led by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shay.
    What- Shays’ Rebellion, was a series of violent attacks on government properties.
    When- August 31, 1786- June 1787
    Where- Massachusetts
    Why- I chose this event because they stood up for what they wanted & believed in.
    How-This is important because it was one of the major facts that led to the writing of the new constitution.
  • First U.S. President

    First U.S. President
    Who- George Washington
    What- First U.S. President, elected head of the United States of America.
    When- Feb 4, 1789
    Where- Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because George Washington was the first of many great presidents.
    How- George Washington becoming president was the beginning of the presidents of this country.
  • John Adams became president

    John Adams became president
    Who- John Adams
    What- John Adams became president, was elected head of the U.S.A
    When- 1797-1801
    Where- Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because all presidency’s are important.
    How- This is important because he was the first president who belonged to a political party.
  • Thomas Jefferson became president

    Thomas Jefferson became president
    Who- Thomas Jefferson
    What- Thomas Jefferson became president, was elected head of U.S after John Adams.
    When- 1801-1809
    Where- Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because every president is important.
    How- This is important because Jefferson was the writer of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    Who- Robert Livingston, the U.S. minister to France, and James Monroe signed the Louisiana purchase
    What- The Louisiana purchase, was the purchase of land by the United States from France.
    When- April 30, 1803
    Where- Signed in Paris
    Why- I chose this event because this added on to the creation of the United States.
    How- This is important because it doubled the size of the United States.
  • James Madison became president

    James Madison became president
    Who- James Madison
    What- James Madison became president, was elected head of the U.S after Jefferson.
    When- 1809-1817
    Where- Washington D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because he contributed to the overall creation of the constitution.
    How- Madison wrote 29 out of the 85 essays of the Federalist papers.
  • Abe Lincoln's Birthday

    Abe Lincoln's Birthday
    Who-Abe Lincoln
    What- Abe Lincoln's Birthday, Abe Lincoln was born.
    When- Feb 12,1809
    Where- Hodgenville, Kentucky
    Why- i chose this event because in Ohio we celebrate Lincoln’s birth as a holiday to honor him.
    How- This event is important because Abe Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States.
  • Burning of Washington

    Burning of Washington
    Who- British troops
    What- Burning of Washington, was the burning of the white house by the british.
    When- August 24, 1814
    Where- Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because it changed the white house forever.
    How- This event is important because it started more conflict between U.S. & the British.
  • James Monroe became president

    James Monroe became president
    Who- James Monroe
    What- James Monroe became president, was elected as the 5th president of the United States.
    When- 1817-1825
    Where- Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because he strengthened American foreign policy.
    How- This event is important because he created the Monroe Doctrine.
  • James Quincy Adams became president

    James Quincy Adams became president
    Who- John Quincy Adams
    What- John Quincy Adams became president, he became the 6th leader of the United States.
    When- 1825-1829
    Where-Washington, D.C.
    Why- I chose this event because he was the 6th president & every president is important.
    How- This event is important because he played a key role in the creation of the Monroe Doctrine.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    Who- United States of America & the Confederate States of America
    What- The Civil War, was a war fought in the United States between Northern & Southern states.
    When- April 12, 1861-May 13,1865
    Where- All around the United States and Atlantic ocean
    Why- I chose this event because slavery needed to be put to a end.
    How- This event is important because this event ended slavery in all of the U.S.
  • Reconstruction Era

    Reconstruction Era
    Who- Involved famous presidents & senators & people who lived in the South at the time.
    What- The Reconstruction Era, was the period after the civil war.
    When- January 1, 1863- March 31, 1877
    Where- Southern United States
    Why- I chose this event because it gave the slaves in the South rights.
    How- This event is important because the South had to start treating their slaves as equals.
  • Assassination of Abe Lincoln

    Assassination of Abe Lincoln
    Who- John Wilkes Booth & Abe Lincoln
    What- The assassination of Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth
    When- April 14, 1865
    Where- Ford's theater
    Why- I chose this event because it was the first of many other assassinations of U.S presidents.
    How- This event is important because this was the first time a U.S. president was killed.
  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
    Who- Alexander Graham Bell invented the first phone
    What- Invention of the telephone, first invention of a phone.
    When- March 10, 1876
    Where- First call was made in New York
    Why- I chose this event because phones are a big part of our world today.
    How- This is important because it was one of the first inventions in a whole span of inventions to come.