D-Day The invasion of Normandy
About 700 warships, 2,500 landing craft and 2,700 support ship set sail to the English channel. This was important because the libiration of weastern Europe was going to start -
Liberation of Paris
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Alllied offensive in the Saar valley
General Paton the 3rd U.s army was charged with assaulting the west wall. On november 8th the troops crossed to Moselle river. this was important because they captured the city of Metz and the crosed over the river of Saar. -
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The Battle of the Bulge
Hitler developed a plan to attack through the Ardennes in souhern Belguium.this important because by the end of January the american had retaken all the Territory they had lost and the Germans started to pull back from the Ardennes. -
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Closing of the Ruhr pocket
Allied forces acrossed the Rhine at Remagen in the south and wesel in the north.this was an important event becasue it destroyed the german army in the west. -
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The Battle of Berlin
HItler commited suicide. This was one of the bloodest war about 350,00 men on both sides died. this was an important event because the German government surrendered to the Allies.