
Ali ibn Life Abi Talib

  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 661

    Ali ibn Abi Talib

  • Oct 21, 600

    Ali is born.

    Ali ibn Abi Talib was born in the year 600. The actual date in unknown. He was born in the town of Mecca. Ali was one of the first people to believe in Muhammad's message.
  • Period: Jan 1, 601 to Dec 31, 655

    Ali's Childhood and Early life

    Ali was the son of Muhammad's uncle. This made many Muslims believe that Ali should have been Muhammad's succesor. As he got older Ali married his cousin Fatima (daughter of Muhammad). Together they had two sons, Hasan and Husayn. Ali supported many of Muhammad's military campaigns and was like his secretary. Also, Ali advised the first three caliphs before him.
  • Jan 1, 656

    Uthman is assasinated.

    After Uthman was killed, Ali was announced caliph. At first, Ali was accused of being involved with the murder. This is because some of Ali's loyal soldiers killed Uthman.
  • Dec 1, 656

    Battle of the Camel

    Muaw'iya was the governor of Syria at the time. He did not believe that Ali was the next caliph. From there, an uproar started. Muhammad's widow, A'isha, joined forces with the Umayyads. She did this because she also didn't believe that Ali should be the Caliph. The Umayyads and A'isha were defeated at this battle and were forced to go home.
  • Jan 1, 657

    The Battle of Siffin

    Ali felt at danger in Mecca, so he and his allies moved to Kufa. The Syrians still didn't accept Ali as their leader and the two sides faught at the Battle of Siffin. It took place near the Euphrates River. In the end, with no true winner, Amr ibn al-'A compromised and made Mu'awiya and Ali rival caliphates.
  • Jan 24, 661

    Ali is assinated.

    The Kharijites secretly planned to murder Ali, Mu'awiya, and Amr. Ali was stabbed to death while Mu'awiya and Amr got away. Ali's eldest son Hasan gave up his spot as a caliphate and lived in Medina with his family. This left Mu'awiya as the caliph.
  • Dec 31, 661


    Lang, Kate. "Alī ibn Abī Tālib." World Book. 2011. World Book Student.. 24 October, 2011.