al-Andalus timeline

By pingui
  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    Muslim groups from the East and North Africa (Arabs, Syrians and Berbers), under the command of Tarik, defeated the Visigoth king Don Rodrigo at the battle of Guadalete.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    he battle of Covadonga took place on May 28, 722 in Covadonga (Spain), a place near Cangas de Onís (Asturias), between the Christian army of Don Pelayo and Muslim troops. Don Pelayo's troops, a small group of about 300 Asturian, Basque and Galician warriors, defeated a regular Muslim army led by Alqa
  • 756

    Abd al-Rahman I

    Abd al-Rahman I
    Abd al-Rahman I prevails in the Battle of Alameda against his opponent Yusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri, a member of al-Andalus. Shortly after success, he established the Emirate of Cordoba, the Umayyad empire of exile.
  • 929

    The fall of the Caliphate

    The fall of the Caliphate
    The fall of the Caliphate meant for Córdoba the definitive loss of the hegemony of Al-Andalus and its ruin as a metropolis. The emir Abderramán III took the title of caliph in 929, thus affirming the complete independence of the Caliphate of Córdoba from that of the Abbasids.
  • 1031

    End of the Caliphate of Córdoba

    End of the Caliphate of Córdoba
    The Taifa Kingdoms are formed
  • 1085

    La conquista de Toledo The conquest of Toledo

    La conquista de Toledo The conquest of Toledo
    The conquest of Toledo at the hands of the kingdom of León was an event that took place on May 6, 1085 under the government of Alfonso VI, who definitively evicted the Muslim forces of Al-Qádir, emir of the Taifa of Toledo.
  • 1086

    usuf seizes algeciras

    usuf seizes algeciras
    Yusuf seizes Algeciras and defeats Alfonso VI of Castile at the Battle of Sagrajas.
  • 1145

    Most of the cities of al-Andalus expel the Almoravids

    Most of the cities of al-Andalus expel the Almoravids
    Most of the cities of al-Andalus expelled the Almoravids and provided themselves with local governments. Beginning of the so-called “second Taifas”.
  • 1172

    his son Abu Yaqub Yusuf completed the conquest of Al-Andal

    his son Abu Yaqub Yusuf completed the conquest of Al-Andal
    In 1172, his son Abu Yaqub Yusuf completed the conquest of Al-Andalus with the capture of the taifa of Murcia and put an end to the last taifa of this period in the peninsula, the taifa of Majorca would still remain, which would finally fall in 1203.
  • 1195

    Battle of Alarcos

    Battle of Alarcos
    Battle of Alarcos (Ciudad Real). Absolute defeat of Alfonso VIII of Castile. Alfonso VIII of Castile founded the King's Hospital in the city of Burgos.
  • 1212

    hat date changed the history of Spain

    That date changed the history of Spain and marked the end of the Hispano-Muslim hegemony in the Iberian Peninsula.
  • 1238

    Nasrid kingdom of Granada

    Nasrid kingdom of Granada
    The access to de mediterranian enabled themto recieve support of Muslims
  • 1492

    The end of Reconquista

    The end of Reconquista
    it began in the 8th century with Don Pelayo and the battle of Covadonga, although it is nothing more than a metahistorical magnification as a myth of the beginning of the Reconquest. The Kingdom of Granada was annexed to the Crown of Castile